Malazan Empire: Mezla PigDog - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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Mezla's Thought Police
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5,519 (0.74 per day)
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The Phoenix Inn (2939 posts)
03-September 04
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User is offline Feb 17 2025 10:29 PM

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Member Title:
Malazan Yo Yo Champion 2009
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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  1. In Topic: Ye Big TV Thread

    17 February 2025 - 10:27 PM

    New broadband and tv provider. Which means we are watching The Last Of Us. Pedro Pascal has such a sexy voice. I never noticed before - is that why they gave him the Mandalorian helmet? When the mycoapalypse comes, I'll be hunting that sexy bitch down.

    Also, I have free but advert ridden Paramount+ which means Brave New Worlds. Just may have to bump Mr PD off to have free reign of the remote for my tv catchup. White Lotus as well. Succession!

    I finished Cobra Kai today. And then I got a little tipsy and gave Mr PD and my 8 year old son a potted history of what happened over however many series and the big finale. I just experienced the first time your kid looks at you thinking "What a twat". But it is a great final episode. The series is total shite - the main kids are not good at karate yet - as Daniel San was never good at it - IT WORKS! I loved it. What a great ending.
  2. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    15 February 2025 - 04:53 PM

    I don't know why but I hadn't anticipated Vance coming over to Europe peddling his bullshit. It felt less real when he was across an ocean, like it was just tv or something. Urgh. Absolute disgrace. A big part of me thinks a huge majority in Europe will treat him with the disdain he deserves but it makes me very nervous as though we're just a few years behind the descent of the US.
  3. In Topic: What's messing with your groove?

    14 February 2025 - 06:45 AM

    They really are. When you interview people you have to assume what they tell you is only the top level of their knowledge and reflects something deeper underneath that will come out day to day. Even when you dig in interview you can only go so far. Most of the time it works out but some people bring all they have to the interview and there is nothing beyond the surface.

    I'm moving into painfully direct territory now. Girding myself for it later today. We have too big a milestone coming up for me to keep prancing around the issue.
  4. In Topic: What's messing with your groove?

    13 February 2025 - 08:55 PM

    I work with this guy who is absolutely useless. His uselessness makes more work for me and is very hard to manage. He joined the company a couple of years ago now and I've really tried to help him get embedded and do his job well. He never takes notes, never absorbs any real detail, we go over the same issues again and again with no solutions because it's like his memory has been wiped every time we discuss it. He doesn't have any kind of condition, he's just useless and too busy trying to show off to listen. He's at the same level as me in the management structure so I can't invoke hierarchy. His manager knows he is useless but doesn't have the bandwidth to do anything about it (I'm technically mad about this but I also sympathise). He won't accept or ask for any help to get better at his job. He puts me down in front of people whenever he gets chance but can't make a decision without checking with me 1 on 1. Fortunately everyone knows I can do my job so he only embarrasses himself trying to get one up on me. I helped interview him so it's on me as much as anyone else that we made a bad hire.

    Usually I only call him out in 1 on 1 calls when I have to repeat myself to him or he does something stupid. I've given him constructive 360 feedback. Recently I upped it to small meetings and emails with only a few people copied and who I know agree with me. Today I did it in a meeting with 40 plus people in it.

    I'm completely justified SO WHY DO I FEEL TERRIBLE?!?
  5. In Topic: What's messing with your groove?

    06 February 2025 - 09:59 PM

    Good luck QT. Parenting without ADHD can make me feel like the worst person in the world when it doesn't seem to be going well, so don't beat yourself up. It's a journey and medication is just one of the stops on the way. That's it.


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  1. Photo


    24 Nov 2023 - 07:05
    Bah, you're not old, you'll always be a spring chicken.
    A drunk spring chicken, admittedly ... :D
  2. Photo


    23 Nov 2023 - 11:07
    Yeah not too bad thanks, in spite of getting old. Everything creaks and groans. Family is OK. Work is ... work. How about you?
  3. Photo


    19 Nov 2023 - 08:10
    Whassup MPDiddy?
  4. Photo


    07 Mar 2012 - 14:30
    I am getting married....just too lazy to set a date :D So you weren't completely off track ;)
  5. Photo


    09 Feb 2012 - 23:52
    You are a dirty boy!
  6. Photo


    19 Dec 2011 - 13:31
    Excellent, judging by call register i was attempting to convey something to a malazanite, but i was in poor nick Friday work ends and the boss lands down with 3 crates of beer and a BBQ, suffice to say the night didn't end well
  7. Photo


    17 Dec 2011 - 08:14
    And I'm back as the most recent creeper on your profile page, most excellent. What was I rambling about last night? In my defence I don't really recall leaving the bar and woke up in the cinema room of the hostel
  8. Photo


    22 Apr 2010 - 08:17
    In the way of scrolling? Like, it takes time for the page to load? Or do you mean it is unsuitable? Or are you simply mesmerized by the cocaine snorting capabilities of Henry the happy hoover?
  9. Photo


    10 Apr 2010 - 03:01
    LOL, I see there is some girl solidarity on the abortion issue.
  10. Photo


    09 Apr 2010 - 21:19
    thanks for the wish - much appreciated.
  11. Photo


    07 Apr 2010 - 20:41
    I would not be in the slightest surprised, you only human after all
  12. Photo


    06 Apr 2010 - 22:19
    Does this mean I won?
  13. Photo


    28 Mar 2010 - 08:17
    Oh, that statement just made me laugh my ass off, Mez.
    How big's your gun rack? Hmmmmm?
  14. Photo


    28 Mar 2010 - 03:11
    that's more like it.
    unsuspecting, ambivalent.
    just the what i need............
  15. Photo


    16 Mar 2010 - 19:21
    I think you need new glasses, I need to lose a bit of weight
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