Malazan Empire: Salt-Man Z - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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Other Literature (2561 posts)
07-February 08
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User is offline Jul 19 2024 06:12 PM

My Information

Member Title:
My pen halts, though I do not
45 years old
October 18, 1978
Apple Valley, MN

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  1. In Topic: The Cheap/Free Ebooks Thread!

    14 June 2024 - 09:56 PM

    View PostAbyss, on 07 June 2024 - 01:33 PM, said:

    there's probably a nuance i'm missing, but the download button is right there on the 'my library' ebook cover?

    Hm, nope. There's no button on the cover (of any of my books, TMNT or otherwise) and the drop-down list doesn't have "download" as an option. But all of my non-TMNT books do have "download" as a drop-down option.

    But it's fine; I've paid for electronic copies of the books, so I went and found copies that I can download.
  2. In Topic: The Cheap/Free Ebooks Thread!

    06 June 2024 - 09:11 PM

    Robert Silverberg's excellent "Heart of Darkness but in space", DOWNWARD TO THE EARTH, is only $2 right now:

    View PostAbyss, on 28 May 2024 - 04:36 AM, said:

    noting the TMNT set are Kobo ebooks, so you'll need a Kobo account for them to work. Not a problem, just fyi. The Kobo app is perfectly fine and there are (or at last were, i haven't done this in a while) ways to dl from it if you hate it.

    I've exported all my other Kobo books to EPUB and brought them into Calibre to transfer to my Kindle without issue. But the TMNT books have no download option on the Kobo website; just FYI to anyone who might be expecting it.
  3. In Topic: Four new Black Company books?

    22 April 2024 - 07:20 PM

     HoosierDaddy, on 19 April 2024 - 02:11 PM, said:

    Am I the only one that has zero faith in Amazon or Goodreads ratings? IMHO, the vast majority of people have shit for taste.

    Agreed. On Amazon, at least, I like to use the 1-star reviews to help decide if I'll enjoy a book. Complaints about "too many big words" or "wokeness" I'll usually take as good signs.
  4. In Topic: The Cheap/Free Ebooks Thread!

    13 February 2024 - 06:16 PM

    William Goldman's The Princess Bride is $1.99:
  5. In Topic: The Cheap/Free Ebooks Thread!

    12 February 2024 - 07:15 PM

    The first books of Tanith Lee's SECRET BOOKS OF VENUS (mostly-unconnected stories set in an alternate Venice) are on sale for $1.99 each:


    #2 SAINT FIRE:
    US only:


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  1. Photo


    18 Oct 2023 - 11:48
    45 old chap
  2. Photo


    17 Oct 2022 - 20:37
    44!happy birthday
  3. Photo


    18 Oct 2021 - 06:16
    and another one Salty, hope it's a good one
  4. Photo


    17 Oct 2020 - 14:30
    42! Meaning of life etc, have a good one
  5. Photo


    18 Oct 2018 - 06:30
    40! Dun dun dunnnnnnn ... happy birthday Salty
  6. Photo


    18 Oct 2016 - 13:12
    Happy B'Day, Z-Man! :)
  7. Photo

    Kruppe of Darujhistan 

    01 Oct 2016 - 02:09
    AAIII! Kruppe is back! If your pastries are under lock and key or otherwise inaccessible Kruppe's disappointment will be intolerable (to Kruppe)!
  8. Photo


    05 Jan 2012 - 17:30
    Ready for selling the Caine book?
  9. Photo


    19 Sep 2010 - 18:24
    thanks man
  10. Photo


    29 Mar 2010 - 16:13
    I've been moving slowly through it, not quite finished. My schedule is terrible this semester, but I should finish this week. I'll let you know when, but I have been enjoying it throughout.
  11. Photo


    03 Mar 2010 - 20:26
    Haha, well I'm glad my Nthusiam got you back into it! I'll admit that I never went so far as to create my own levels and such, but I still loved the game. When I get a chance I'll check out your levels. How difficult would you say they are? Did you cram 40 laser enemies into one level? *shudder*
  12. Photo


    23 Sep 2009 - 18:55
    That pooltable joke made me laugh too loud, bad humor is my weakness ~ Rep!
  13. Photo

    Kruppe of Darujhistan 

    06 Jul 2009 - 20:20
    Kruppe thanks you profusely for your kind words. If only Kruppe's rare gift was as useful as (say) a hogs talent for sniffing out and locating rare truffles.
    Kruppe is also delighted to inform you that he too resides in the land of 10,000 lakes. Stillwater, to be precise.
    Yet more serendipitous news: Good Kruppe is also a child of October. The 23rd day of that delicious m
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