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Health in the Malazan world
29 February 2024 - 11:58 PM
There's been a thought tickling the back of my mind for some reason. It's concerning the health of people, mostly soldiers, in Wu.
From the number of camp followers, prostitution, and general Iron Age health, one would think that armies would fall victim to the common diseases of cholera, STIs, dysentry, influenza, etc - not to mention trenchfoot, frostbite, and the like. Do these diseases simply not exist in Wu, does Poliel only deal in large-scale plagues, does Soliel keep her sister in check, are the Denul adepts treat these things as a matter of course?
Just some things to think about while waiting for the next book(s)...
sigpig hasn't added any friends yet.
13 Nov 2023 - 12:27