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Characters from other franchises
07 February 2025 - 02:51 AM
As we are all starving for Malazan content, I have been reading some other series (a couple of them mentioned in the "Space Opera" thread), and have found a few characters who would fit in absolutely perfectly in the Malazan world.
The first is a character from R.M Meluch's series "Tour of the Merrimack", the US Marine named Kerry Blue. Aside from her being a Marine, I feel that she culd have been a character in almost every Marine/Bridgeburner/Bonehunter squad. If you know the series, you know the character. She is extremely "friendly".
Another one is Thrawn. No need to explain anything, but imagine him as a Hagh Fist on a continent. Grand Admiral, High Fist, poTAYto, poTAHto...
What other characters can you come up with and why?
sigpig hasn't added any friends yet.
13 Nov 2023 - 12:27