Malazan Empire: ArchieVist - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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  1. The Last Champion

    26 February 2025 - 07:34 PM

    ICE just gave an interview in which he revealed the working title of Path(s) to Ascendancy Book 5 was "The Last Champion". He also said once Book 6 was complete, he will likely be done with Malazan and be moving onto some science fiction projects he's had on the back burner for awhile.
  2. Erikson updates progress on No Life Forsaken, Witness Book 3, Walk in Shadow, new B&KB

    31 July 2024 - 08:45 PM

    Erikson has posted a status update on all his upcoming Malazan projects on his Facebook page.

    1. No Life Forsaken (Witness Book 2) has been submitted to his publisher.
    2. The Witness Trilogy is now a 4 book series.
    3. Witness Book 3 is his current project. It is about 75% done, heavily focuses on Malazan marines, and should be complete in 1-2 months.
    4. Next project is the 8th and penultimate Bauchelain & Korbal Broach novella. He expects it to take a week to write.
    5. Then he will complete Walk in Shadow (Book 3 of the Kharkanas Trilogy).


    No Life Forsaken, Part One (the first book) has just been sent to my publisher. Part Two is about 75% done and I intend on completing that asap while that setting is still fresh in my head. I expect that'll take about a month, two at the most. Once clear, Ill spend a week writing the eighth Bauchelain and Korbal Broach novella. Those roll out quickly and serve as a good palate-cleanser. Immediately following that, I will be turning my attention to Walk in Shadow, the third Kharkanas book. I already have a chunk of it done, but plenty more that still needs to be written. It will take as long as it takes.

    Fall of Light, the second novel in the Kharkanas trilogy, was published in 2016. Almost nobody noticed. Very few bought it. The Kharkanas trilogy was getting very little commentary and the books were not selling. Since the Witness Trilogy was already common knowledge as contractually signed on, I was getting a lot of questions on it in interviews. All the anticipation seemed to be on Witness, and virtually none on the Kharkanas trilogy.

    Who was asking all these questions about the Witness trilogy? Fans. So, in agreement with my publishers, we shifted over to the Witness Trilogy.

    Since then, I have been deluged with being asked about -- you guessed it -- the Kharkanas trilogy. Which I'd set aside in 2016, and in terms of writing, 2015. Nine years ago. Uh, okay, where were you in 2016? The answer, of course, is 'elsewhere.' And that's fine. I get it, and needless to say I am very appreciative that there's so much recent interest in the Kharkanas trilogy. It'll give me the necessary boost when writing Walk in Shadow.

    But here's the thing. I'm not late to any particular discovery. I've been here all along. Try stepping into my shoes and seeing things from my perspective. There's only one of me and I'm doing the best I can; while I didn't expect the Witness trilogy to get an extra novel, that's how it's turned out. You all get a bonus book for that series, and it's all about Malazan marines to boot.

    So, folks. When I make an announcement about completing the second novel in the Witness trilogy, and get someone in the comments section ignore that and instead asks me about Kharkanas and only Kharkanas ... well, I walk to the nearest wall and start banging my head against it.

    Oh well, such is the world. And for what it's worth, my exasperation is now out of my system. And I can go back to my usual response when being asked 'when is Walk in Shadow coming,' which is to say: 'can't say exactly when, but it'll get done.'

    2016 was a lifetime ago, right? But here's the kicker. For some of you, the answer might be just that. A lifetime ago. Alas, the older one gets, the more the past compresses, one year crunching up against the next.

    So, for me, 2016 feels like last year.

    Can't say exactly when, folks, but it'll get done.

  3. Witness Trilogy now 4 books?

    01 June 2024 - 04:42 PM

    During a Q&A at an appearance in Belgrade, Erikson announced that he expected the Witness Trilogy to become a four-book series.

    While writing No Life Forsaken he:


    realized it was actually two novels, and I have about a month's worth of writing [remaining] for each of those two novels. So I'll be able to deliver them to the publisher almost back to back. (See 9:20)
  4. Four new Black Company books?

    18 April 2024 - 12:08 AM

    Black Gate has an interview with Glen Cook where he reveals he's already written three new BC books and is working on a fourth. He just needs someone interested in publishing them.


    For several years now I have been working on A Pitiless Rain – or, The Orphan's Tale. It's a family Saga thing mainly revolving around the next generation kids from Glittering Stone, especially Soldiers Live. I have completed the first three volumes: Lies Weeping, They Cry, & Summer Grass. (I am) Halfway through Darkness Knows. My agent has had the first book for some time but I haven't heard anything yet. I will probably be writing on the day that I die. Seems to trump everything else, most days.

    He's also got another Garret PI novel written (and unsold) and the plot for a second thought out.



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  1. Photo


    05 Jan 2023 - 02:23
    ... of us appreciate the work you do. :)
  2. Photo


    05 Jan 2023 - 02:23
    Whaaaaat? People complain about the wiki?
    I think it's pretty bloody good!
    And if some whinging twats want it to be better, they can always get off their fat arses and help.
    But of course not, that involves more than being a neckbeard keyboard warrior living in Mum's basement.
    SMH, some people expect the world for nothing.
    F**k those idiots, the rest...
  3. Photo


    04 Jan 2023 - 07:39
    Hey dude, I see you :)
  4. Photo


    06 Jan 2022 - 23:44
    Heya, thanks for all the great work you do on the wiki and other info-related stuff.
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