Malazan Empire: ArchieVist - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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Reputation: 115 Should Get Out More
Malaz Regular
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207 (0.07 per day)
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The God is Not Willing (28 posts)
05-February 16
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  1. In Topic: No Life Forsaken - Witness book 2

    23 July 2024 - 09:08 PM

    As Werthead has noted at The Wertzone, this date has already been pushed back to 28 August 2025.
  2. In Topic: No Life Forsaken - Witness book 2

    12 July 2024 - 06:52 PM

    For the first time that I can recall, Penguin Random House UK has posted a publishing date for No Life Forsaken: 10 April 2025


    The second novel in Erikson's stunning Tale of Witness trilogy, in which a god's bastard son cuts a bloody swathe through the forces of the Malazan Empire in order to take revenge on his father . . .

  3. In Topic: Forge of the High Mage News

    09 April 2024 - 10:44 PM

    Forge of the High Mage is finally on sale in the US as of today.
  4. In Topic: Have we given up on the Tiste novels?

    05 April 2024 - 11:43 AM

    Erikson has said he plans to return to Walk in Shadow after he finishes No Life Forsaken and another Bauchelain and Korbal Broach novella. Of course, he said the same thing after The God is Not Willing. No Life Forsaken has taken longer than he expected and was originally supposed to be completed by early 2023.

    Over the years he's written several hundred pages of Walk in Shadow -- so much that he's talked of splitting out the Jaghut war on death (or maybe it was the High King material?) into a fourth book. Whether that's feasible with his publisher is unknown.
  5. In Topic: Why the Fuuuu

    30 March 2024 - 03:56 PM

    Another recent good one is Elade. Could be a ferocious male Teblor warleader from The God is Not Willing, or it could be Widdershins' mother.



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  1. Photo


    05 Jan 2023 - 02:23
    ... of us appreciate the work you do. :)
  2. Photo


    05 Jan 2023 - 02:23
    Whaaaaat? People complain about the wiki?
    I think it's pretty bloody good!
    And if some whinging twats want it to be better, they can always get off their fat arses and help.
    But of course not, that involves more than being a neckbeard keyboard warrior living in Mum's basement.
    SMH, some people expect the world for nothing.
    F**k those idiots, the rest...
  3. Photo


    04 Jan 2023 - 07:39
    Hey dude, I see you :)
  4. Photo


    06 Jan 2022 - 23:44
    Heya, thanks for all the great work you do on the wiki and other info-related stuff.
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