Malazan Empire: ArchieVist - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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05-February 16
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  1. In Topic: Characters from other franchises

    07 February 2025 - 06:24 PM

    Virtually any of the characters from Glen Cook's Dread Empire series (Ragni, Haroun, Mocker, etc.). It always gets overshadowed by The Black Company, but Dread Empire is the other major Cook influence on Malazan. Kruppe is essentially Cook's character Mocker with the serial numbers filed off. He's like what if Kruppe was a master swordsman, complete with unique verbal delivery. Mocker meeting up with Kruppe and Iskaral Pust would be something.
  2. In Topic: Erikson updates progress on No Life Forsaken, Witness Book 3, Walk in Shadow, new B&KB

    25 January 2025 - 06:36 PM

    January 2025 update:

    1. Erikson hopes to finish writing Walk in Shadow by April or May 2025.
    2. He is also nearly finished writing another short novel, which he is considering self-publishing if there is no interest from his traditional publishers. It is neither a Malazan book nor a science fiction book. "It's way out in left field."

    Source: DLC Bookclub
  3. In Topic: No Life Forsaken - Witness book 2

    25 January 2025 - 05:36 PM

    In an interview on the Reaper's Gale edition of the DLC Bookclub, Erikson mentions a return appearance by a Book of the Fallen character in the one of the upcoming Witness books (it's not clear if he's referring to Book 2 or Book 3).

    Spoilered for those who don't want to know in advance:
  4. In Topic: No Life Forsaken - Witness book 2

    21 January 2025 - 02:23 AM

    Penguin's website now says the UK publishing date has been pushed back to 23 October 2025.
  5. In Topic: No Life Forsaken - Witness book 2

    08 January 2025 - 06:50 PM

    No Life Forsaken plot summary from Penguin:


    A goddess awakens to a new world, only to find that some things never change.

    Amidst the ashes of a failed rebellion in Seven Cities, new embers are flaring to life.

    There are furrowed brows at the beleaguered Malazan Legion headquarters in G'danisban for it would appear that yet another bloody clash with the revived cult of the Apocalyptic is coming to a head.

    Seeking to crush the uprising before it ignites the entire subcontinent, Fist Arenfall has only a few dozen squads of marines at his disposal, and many of those are already dispersed - endeavouring to stamp out multiple brush-fires of dissent. But his soldiers are exhausted, worn down by the grind of a simmering insurrection and the last thing Arenfall needs is the arrival of the new Adjunct, fresh from the capital and the Emperor's side.

    The man's mission may be to lend support to Arenfall's efforts . . . or stick a knife in his back. 'Twas ever thus', of course. That a popular commander should inevitably be seen as a threat to the Emperor - such is the fatal nature of imperial Malazan politics.

    And what of the gods? Well, as recent history has proved, their solution to any mortal mess is to make it even messier. In other words, it's just another tumultuous day in the chequered history of the Malazan Empire.



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  1. Photo


    05 Jan 2023 - 02:23
    ... of us appreciate the work you do. :)
  2. Photo


    05 Jan 2023 - 02:23
    Whaaaaat? People complain about the wiki?
    I think it's pretty bloody good!
    And if some whinging twats want it to be better, they can always get off their fat arses and help.
    But of course not, that involves more than being a neckbeard keyboard warrior living in Mum's basement.
    SMH, some people expect the world for nothing.
    F**k those idiots, the rest...
  3. Photo


    04 Jan 2023 - 07:39
    Hey dude, I see you :)
  4. Photo


    06 Jan 2022 - 23:44
    Heya, thanks for all the great work you do on the wiki and other info-related stuff.
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