Malazan Empire: HiddenOne - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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User Rating: *****

Reputation: 562 Gangsta Repper
High House Mafia
Active Posts:
3,160 (0.61 per day)
Most Active In:
MAFIA (1344 posts)
29-May 10
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User is offline Jun 18 2020 12:56 PM

My Information

Member Title:
Mortal Sword
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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About Me

HiddenOne. You son of a bitch. You slimy, skulking, low-posting scumbag. You knew it would come to this. Roundabout, maybe. Tortuous, certainly. But here we are, you and me again. I started the train on you so many many hours ago, and now I'm going to finish it. Die HO. Die. This is for last time, and this is for this game too. This is for all the people who died to your backstabbing, treacherous, "I sure don't know what's going on around here" filthy lying, deceitful ways. You son of a bitch. Whatever happens, this is justice. For me, this is justice. Vote HiddenOne Finally, I am at peace.


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  1. Photo


    26 Sep 2013 - 19:01
    if you're starved of intellectual input, try a movie called mindwalk, or if audio thing are more your thing, try tao of philosophy by alan watts.
  2. Photo

    High House Dark 

    24 May 2013 - 04:05
    I COME BEARING HUGS. I hope RL is ok~
  3. Photo


    03 May 2012 - 22:29
    Y U No leave comment?
  4. Photo

    Gust Hubb 

    03 May 2012 - 22:29
    And to think it was only an accident. You need to
    Post more stuff without pics on a certain thread
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