Terez, on Oct 3 2008, 09:03 PM, said:
Osric, on Oct 3 2008, 09:50 AM, said:
Agnostic, I don't believe in the bible, or anything thought of by man that supposedly came from a divine source noone can check. However I don't believe that just because we have a better understanding of how things were created that it didnt GET created by a force more powerful.
I don't believe in the cold futility most athiests believe in, I think my life has meaning, I just dont know what it is, and Im not inclined to take anyone else's word for it either.
That's a common misrepresentation of what atheists believe. We don't believe that our lives have predetermined meaning, but we don't believe in "cold futility" either. Life has meaning - whatever meaning we choose to give it.
Also, we don't believe that the existence of god is impossible or disproven - it's just unsupported by any evidence whatsoever. Someone who says that the existence of god is beyond a shadow of a doubt impossible would be an "anti-theist".
The only difference between an agnostic and an atheist is that agnosticism carries connotations of apathy. Atheists tend to be more overtly concerned with the problems in society that are justified and perpetuated by religious belief.
Hmm alright, that's interesting. To be honest with you I don't care much for "labels" as you might call them. I don't think for this kind of thing there is really 1 definition that fits all. For religion sure, religions have rules and guidelines, they tell you what to think and believe, which is why I don't like them (as in personally, I respect anyone else's views).
I explained my point of view, what catagory it falls in precisely is not that important to me. I appreciate the heads up on my wrong info on the definition of atheists though.

I think I'll look into it a bit more when Im not tired.
I have to agree with frookenhauer as well, I don't think it's really morally right to indoctrinate a kid with religion. I see videos on youtube of little girls taht just learned to talk read a load of texts from the bible and frankly I feel sorry for them. Theyve not been given the choice on wether to believe it's true or not, theyre kids, they'll believe anything. Don't even get me started on stuff like circumsition either, male or female.
I have a friend who has been a jehova's witness for a long time, he was always told and always believed that the only reason he's here on earth is because he had to repent for the sins of his ancestors. Everything he did that was fun was wrong to him, and he desended into a spiral of drugs and alcohol and eventually got psychotic and had to be put into a mental institution. He's better now but he's not the person I used to know and he never will be again, which is really shit. Im not saying that his religion is to blame totally, but I do think it played a big part in it, the futility it made him feel was always too much for him, knowing that he will never get into heaven because of the sins he already commited were enough to deny him that without a chance to repent. Stuff like that makes me angry.
on a side note:
This post has been edited by Osric: 04 October 2008 - 10:51 PM