Abyss, on 18 August 2021 - 03:07 AM, said:
Abyss, on 13 August 2021 - 04:24 AM, said:
Abyss, on 04 August 2021 - 05:07 AM, said:
Abyss, on 27 July 2021 - 03:57 AM, said:
...., and now into the DAWN OF X phase, ... I like the concept of Krakoa, the politicking, the fundamental (if probably temporary) reset of the xbooks to a new setting and missions and focus and tone and making bigger and better use of the wide wide cast of characters they have to work with. Hickman did this right.
And now, MARAUDERS...
CALLISTO: Goddess. *throws knife at Storm's face*
STORM: Morlock. *catches the knife, hands it back*
*they hug*
And now.... EXCALIBUR... Capn Psylocke Britain, Rogue, Gambit, Rictor, Wisdom, Jubilee.. and apparently Jubilee's adopted baby Shogo... on... magic-related missions for Apocalypse. Or... something?
*reads six issues*
...more like MEHXCALIBUR. ...
AH... muuuUUUUUuuuuuch better. ...
....adding that Sunspot hitting on Deathbird is far funnier than it has any right to be.
X-FORCE... very nice take on this concept. I like the idea of an intel team and a stabby team, and the cast is nicely mixed up even w the mandatory Wolverine. Quentin Quire is a good addition. Having him die all the time is a nice touch. Great Domino and Beast development. Beast esp... holy mutationballs, he is going daaaAAAAaaark.
FALLEN ANGELS... out the outset, a team consisting of Kwannon/Psylocke, Laura Wolverine, and Kid Cable seems like a thin attempt at X-Force 2.0. Thankfully they went elsewhere w this. The decsiion to focus on Psylocke Kwannon and make her an entirely new character, familiar because of the history, but not the same, was smart. I enjoyed this far more than i expected to. Laura and Psylocke played off eah other very wel. The overarching plot - tech based AI virsu thing wants to take over stuff - was utterly unoriginal for xbooks, but the characters sold it. They finally drew a line between Betsy Braddock and Kwannon that made sense, and had Laura form a mentor relationship w someone who wasn't Logan or Cyclops. Also, Magneto and SInister, while barely appearing in the run, utterly shine when they do. Fun read all around.
CABLE.... ok wow i did not expect to like this character but they made him fallible, likeable, and readable. Amazing what this team managed to do with what could have been a mess of a time travelling continuity crossing aged up and down concept.
X-MEN. Great. Just, plain, great comics done great. Advances the uber storyline and some fun detours
WOLVERINE. Hunts vampires. Good art, fun action, story is nothing special. Had i been collecting floppies i would have dropped this. As a part of a larger story on the app, it's fine. Omega Red as a possible antihero was a nice twist at least.
HELLIONS. Oh dear god where has this comic been all my life this glorious glorious utter lunacy. FFS the cast includes three known mass murderers (Scalphunter, Nanny and Orphan Maker) and fncking Empath, the team WORKS for Sinister, Alex is losing his shlt, Wildchild has utterly lost his already, Kwannon is back but has divided loyalties ... this is xbooks on meth with a side of crack and it is beautiful.
T77, on 18 August 2021 - 01:04 PM, said:
Thanks for the X-Men impressions Abyss. A lot of what you've mentioned is in the X of Swords omnibus that's on Hoopla. I've been hesitant since it's 700 pages. I might have to take the plunge. I've read and enjoyed Hickman's run.
Just finished X OF SWORDS, more to come on that. I would take the time to read the 'DAWN OF X' stuff between HOX/POX and SWORDS, but SWORDS was good fun for the most part.
polishgenius, on 07 October 2021 - 06:22 AM, said:
Finally read the whole House of X/Powers of X thing that sets all this up. Good refocusing of the X-Men I'd say- was long getting past the point where using mutants as a metaphor for real-world discriminations wasn't really viable, so moving that in this way- and also making this the foundational X-Men event rather than Charles and Eric's youth means at some point they can simply move away from the knotty problem of Eric needing to be a holocaust survivor for his story to work while comics time moves on and it becomes increasingly implausible.
Also just a damn good yarn, of course. As per for Hickman.
On the other hand, all the machine-intelligence stuff in the far future story seemed to be set-up for stuff that has nothing to do with the X-Men. Just him adding new cosmic players into Marvel that don't really seem to make sense. Cool, like, but how do they fit?
Salt-Man Z, on 07 October 2021 - 03:06 PM, said:
polishgenius, on 07 October 2021 - 06:22 AM, said:
On the other hand, all the machine-intelligence stuff in the far future story seemed to be set-up for stuff that has nothing to do with the X-Men. Just him adding new cosmic players into Marvel that don't really seem to make sense. Cool, like, but how do they fit?
But that all has its foundations in the previously-established Phalanx/Technarchy stuff, doesn't it?
It does, as well as the Nimrod plotline, Doug/Warlock, Magick/Limbo, and the entire Moira X thing Hickman has laid out.
I've recently been reading basically all of the X-23 stuff I own (including her X-Force run) in order, and man I love Laura Kinney. (I passed on the Nyx collection last time it was on sale, though, which I now regret.) The highlight is of course Tom Taylor's "All-New Wolverine" which I'd read before, which is fine because it's absolutely marvelous. (Gabby + Deadpool is amazing.) Right now I'm in the middle of Tamaki's run, and I'm a little pissed that everyone's calling her "X-23" again, like wasn't the entire point of Taylor's series her moving beyond that name?
I adored every X-23 run i have read. The teams who have been writing Laura (and Gabby) so clearly love the character and the opportunities for storytelling she brings.
Amazing to think she started out in a Saturday morning cartoon and an LS nobody read.