Imperial Historian, on 29 April 2021 - 05:28 PM, said:
D, on 29 April 2021 - 05:23 PM, said:
You have the most planets, a solid economic tech base with hypermetabolism and dark energy, an awesome relic and the TG to start putting large amounts of plastic on the board without aggressing on anyone but twelve, who has pissed everyone off so you look like the good guy. It's just all very well played.
Well she started painting the target on my back from the get go. And with her play with the Mentak I'm not letting her get away with the huge economy and plan to curb her as quickly as possible. And frankly the only one that should be annoyed, not even pissed, is Tapper and I did try to pay amends for my faction needs. Khell broke our agreement and D'rek has been a greedy bully.
I do like to point out that Morgth, Tatts and you are doing your typical circle jerk trying to keep all the focus centered on the other side of the map while you all quietly go about your business. When will people get wise to this BS and punish you all for that style of play? I think that is why I get targeted in that regard because I am wise to your style of playstyle so you all deflect the attention towards me. Moreso this game for sure as I picked a hot spot of activity but it is still the same play book.