D, on 29 April 2021 - 02:53 PM, said:
Have no fears or I guess plenty of fears. My next few actions are going to depend a lot on you and how much you are willing to pay me off so you and I both have a shot this game.
I have no friends some of it my fault for having zero social skills but some of it yours by actively working the table against me and encroaching on my boarders. So if I have to spend the game fighting off 4+ other players and I cant make friends that means I need must remove enemies. Your greed and antagonism have left you vulnerable and if no one wants to be my friend I need must eliminate enemies. How much to not take your homeworld next round? Like you said all those trade goods don't do you any good if you cant spend them. I'll take 12 minus any dreads that I destroy to not go that route. Or keep that wealth and have no way to spend it for a could rounds and guarantee losing the game.
Also note all my fleet building leaves me with not even the biggest threat on the board as the Baroney has a scarier fleet and he has been able to tech while I have not and the Cabal well they are just plain scary. Your better play was to build me up to send me at them. Still not too late to do that.