Tattersail_, on 07 May 2021 - 02:17 PM, said:
I'm listening. My thoughts are a bit haphazard here so bear with me.
Agenda; Vortex, Mallice, Cormund, Leadership, Carrier, Tg's, Votes, Trade PN. Borders.
I wanted to discuss borders earlier in the game but you gave a nonchalant reply that was a bit wishy washy. So let us establish them now.
You don't use Vortex on me.
Mallice was my intention and I can agree to that.
You get to have Cormund.
You pop leadership on your next turn. D'rek already taken Twelve's home system and I would prefer to activate my home system to build,
You can keep my carrier.
You give me 5 TG's and your trade PN. In return I will give you an agreed amount of votes on the upcoming agendas.
I don't think you would go for this deal, and given that it is not a nice way to deal with neighbours I doubt you would stick to it anyway.
Honestly, I think it'd be more fun to attack Lodor and it would push me towards the construction PO. Obviously it'll put a dent in your plans which is an unfortunate bonus.
Most seems agreeable, but playing Leadership is a sticking point. Not just because I don't think D'rek would go for it, but because there's no guarantee that you wouldn't then just attack me in Lodor anyway. Think about it, I agree to this, give you all my stuff, you take Mallice or build in your home system, I pop Leadership, and then you use Leadership to just attack me anyway.