Imperial Historian, on 07 May 2021 - 06:40 PM, said:
So you are proposing that you will give me a total of 7TG and two PNs for my racial over a couple of turns?
If you give me your ceasefire first and 4TG and then your racial and the remaining 3TG as soon as you can I'm happy to do that deal.
If I hold your ceasefire I can be more confident you aren't going to renege on the deal as I can easily sell it off to cause you issues.
At what point will you pass me your racial? When I do the initial trade or when I do the second part on your turn but before my next one? Either one will work for me as I'll need it as a stall. And the two PNs were only collateral until I was able to pay the balance. I'd only be willing to give 1 as payment for the 2 trade goods I'm short for your racial. Also If you sell either one before I can cover the balance I'd consider whatever you got for it to go against my debt to you. I just want to be very clear on the terms so there isn't any misunderstanding. So the below is how I see the deal playing out. Let me know if you want to make any modifications to it.
My turn: 3 commodities, 1 TG and my ceasefire PN. in exchange for Muaat Racial maybe?
Your next turn: I give you x commodities (whatever I gain from my fight with Morgoth) and my Racial PN for Muaat Racial if not already given
The Turn I fight D'rek: I give you x TGs/and or commodities from the fight to you not to exceed 9 in total for the deal.
If the in full 9 trade good value is paid you will promptly start returning my PNs
End of round you either consider 1 of my PNs is enough to pay off my debt and return the other. If not then I pay you the balance owed as soon as possible and you return my PNs after than. Also If you sell 1 or both of my PNs then whatever you gain from it goes to my debt and you return the remaining PN once you receive the 9 owed trade goods.
I don't know what I'm doing but it sounds good.