Score Secret Objective - Defy Space and Time -- 1VP -- Status Phase -- Have units in the wormhole nexus.
Gain 2 CT - Place 1 in S and 1 in T
Gain 1 AC
Ready everything and return Action card
After Khell takes his turn I will Purge The Crown of Emphidia to gain 1 VP.
Victory Points: 4
Strategy Card:
Command Pools: 1T | 3F | 1S
Goods: 0/2 C | 1 TG
Relic Fragments: 2C | 0H | 0I | 0U
Action Cards: 5
Promissory Notes:
5 Ul,
1 Argent
Secret Objectives: 1 fulfilled | 1 unfulfilled
+ Elysium (4/1)
+ Lodor (3/2, tomb of emphidia)
+ Cealdri (0/2, yellow spec.)
+ Xanhact (3/1) (rich world; mining world)
+ MALLICE(0/3)
Antimass Deflectors --
Your ships can move into and through asteroid fields. When other players' units use SPACE CANNON against your units, apply -1 to the result of each die roll.
Scanlink Drone Network --
When you activate a system, you may explore 1 planet in that system which contains 1 or more of your units.
AI Development Algorithm - When you research a unit upgrade technology, you may exhaust this card to ignore any 1 prerequisite. When 1 or more of your units use Production, you may exhaust this card to reduce the combined cost of the produced units by the number of unit upgrade technologies that you own.
+ Hel Titan II (Pre: YR) -- Upgrades your Hel Titan I blueprints to Hel Titan II.
+ Tellurian (AGENT) --
When a hit is produced against a unit: You may exhaust this card to cancel that hit.
+ Tungstantus (COMMANDER) --
When 1 or more of your units use PRODUCTION: You may gain 1 trade good.
+ Ul The Progenitor (HERO) -- {LOCKED: Have 3 Scored Objectives}
ACTION: Ready Elysium and attach this card to it. Its resource and influence values are each increased by 3, and it gains the SPACE CANNON 5 (x3) ability as if it were a unit.
Argent Alliance --
When 1 or more of your units make a roll for a unit ability: You may choose 1 of those units to roll 1 additional die.
Argent Support for the Throne
+ (RELIC) The Crown of Emphidia - At the end of the status phase, if you control the "Tomb of Emphidia," you may purge this card to gain 1 victory point.
[s]+ (MALLICE) Exterrix Headquarters -- You may exhaust this card at the end of your turn to gain 2 trade goods or convert all of your commodities into trade goods