Diplomacy secondary - spend 1 ST to refresh Naazir and Rokha
Tactical Action
..Scanlink Drone Network -> Explore Vefut II
Choose between:
EH01 | Core Mine | If you have at least 1 mech on this planet, or if you remove 1 infantry from this planet, gain 1 trade good.
..Pre-Fab Arcologies -> Refresh Vefut II
..Carrier from Rigel
..Exhaust Vefutt II (3) - build 2 fighters and 1 Mech.
Exhaust Garv and Gunn to Explore Vefut II
Choose between:
EH11 | Hazardous Relic Fragment | ACTION: | Purge 3 of your hazardous relic fragments to gain 1 relic.
Pre-Fab Arcologies -> Refresh Vefut II
Wait on result of both explores before finalizing my turn.
Victory Points: 2
Strategy Card:
Command Pools: 2T | 2F | 0S
Goods: 0/3 C | 2 TG
Relic Fragments: 0C | 2H | 1I | 0U
Action Cards: 1
Promissory Notes: 5 Naaz-Rokha, 1 Saar, 1 Empyrean
Secret Objectives: 0 fulfilled | 1 unfulfilled
+ Naazir (2/1)
+ Rokha (1/2)
+ Archon Veil (1/3, blue spec.)
+ Vefut II (3/4)
+ Rigel 1 (0/1)
+ Rigel 2 (1/2, blue spec.)
+ Rigel 3 (1/1, green spec.)
+Scanlink Drone Network -- When you activate a system, you may explore 1 planet in that system which contains 1 or more of your units.
+ Psychoarchaeology -- You can use technology specialties on planets you control without exhausting them, even if those planets are exhausted. During the Action Phase, you can exhaust planets you control that have technology specialties to gain 1 trade good.
+ Hyper Metabolism -- During the status phase, gain 3 command tokens instead of 2.
+ Pre-Fab Arcologies - After you explore a planet, ready that planet.
+ AI Development Algorithm -- When you research a unit upgrade technology, you may exhaust this card to ignore any 1 prerequisite. When 1 or more of your units use Production, you may exhaust this card to reduce the combined cost of the produced units by the number of unit upgrade technologies that you own.
+ Dart and Tai (COMMANDER) -- {LOCKED: Have 3 mechs in 3 systems}
+ Hesh and Pit (HERO) -- {LOCKED: Have 3 Scored Objectives}
+ (PROMISSORY NOTE) Saar Support for the Throne
+ (PROMISSORY NOTE) Empyrean Dark Pact -- When you give a number of commodities to the Empyrean player equal to your maximum commodity value, you each gain 1 trade good. If you activate a system that contains 1 or more of the Empyrean player's units, return this card to the Empyrean player.
+ (RELIC) Shard of the Throne | When you gain this card, gain 1 victory point; when you lose this card, lose 1 victory point. When a player gains control of a legendary planet you control or a planet you control in your home system, that player gains this card.
This post has been edited by Morgoth: 19 January 2021 - 06:41 AM