Status Phase
Construction Rider -> Predict that Unconventional Measures will be resolved as AGAINST
Trade Rider -> Predict that Swords to Plowshares will be resolved as AGAINST
Galactic Threat -> Predict that Unconventional Measures will be resolved as FOR
> Return strategy card
> Refresh Planets and Tech Cards
> Draw 2 ACs
> Gain 3 CTs and redistribute
Victory Points: 7
Strategy Card:
Command Pools: 3T | 6F | 3S (4r)
Goods: 0/3 C | 1 TG
Action Cards: 5
Promissory Notes: 2 Nekro, 2 N'orr
Secret Objectives: 2 fulfilled | 1 unfulfilled
+ Mordai (4/0)
+ Herrah VI (1/0)
+ Bereg (3/1)
+ Lirta (2/3)
+ Mecatol Rex (1/6)
+ Neural Motivator -- During the status phase, draw 2 action cards instead of 1.
+ Daxcive Animators - After you win a ground combat, you may place 1 infantry from your reinforcements on that planet.
+ Hypermetabolism - During the status phase, gain 3 command tokens instead of 2.
+ Antimass Deflectors -- Your ships can move into and through asteroid fields. When other players' units use SPACE CANNON against your units, apply -1 to the result of each die roll.
+ Gravity Drive -- After you activate a system, apply +1 to the move value of 1 of your ships during this tactical action.
+ Sarween Tools -- When 1 or more of your units use PRODUCTION, reduce the combined cost of the produced units by 1.
+ Magen Defense Grid -- You may exhaust this card at the start of a round of ground combat on a planet that contains one or more of your units that have PLANETARY SHIELD; your opponent cannot make combat rolls this combat round.
+ Assault Cannon -- At the start of a space combat in a system that contains 3 or more of your non-fighter ships, your opponent must destroy 1 of his non-fighter ships.
+ Stasis Capsules - Cruiser II
+ XRD Transporters - Carrier II
+ Valefar Assimilator X -> Super-Dreadnought II
+ Valefar Assimilator Y -> + Nullification Field -- After another player activates a system that contains 1 or more of your ships, you may exhaust this card and spend 1 token from your strategy pool; immediately end that player's turn.
+ N'orr Support for the Throne