Tattersail_, on 05 February 2019 - 09:28 AM, said:
Tapper I'd still like to deal whether or not Macaw pull off whatever they're going to do. I'd like to be able to act if the opportunity presents itself.
If I really wanted to stop Twelve, I'd put my cruiser from Lodor in the sky of MR. That would force him to choose between:
1. enter Mecatol, fight me and lose a VP through my SFtT (he'd regain it through being first to claim MR, and I could then trade my SFtT for, for example, Nom's).
2. stay out of MR because he does not want to lose the Support for the Throne.
I also figured when Gnaw said he wanted Warfare that he'd make a rush for MR - it is also the solution to his low Influence problem.
Everyone is entitled to his own wrong opinion. - Lizrad