Briar King, on 18 November 2018 - 01:34 AM, said:
Thanks for that.

I'm halfway through Rejoice and really enjoying it. Rejoicing, you might say.
The conversational style isn't putting me off like the latter Jack Whyte books did, even though both acted to present the writer's opinion.
Maybe that's because Whyte's became circular and interminable but SE's is taut and lean as it's a solo book focus. And the use of thinly-veiled real life characters to represent many different viewpoints makes it easier to take in as well, I guess.
This is where SE's predilection for philosophical musing enhances rather than detracts.
EDIT: hopefully the movie rights will be snapped up by someone good. It would be pretty cheap to make, and since Arrival did pretty well, and other sorts of movies based on conversations in rooms ... fingers crossed.
EDIT2: can a Mod please make a ded-thread here?
EDIT3: Cool quote that kind of sums up the big question -
“There lies our immediate task. Determining, individually and collectively, what has to be over what we think has to be. We are being invited to seek a new definition of human nature, no more, no less, and surely you can see that this determination now poses the greatest challenge our species has ever faced.”
This post has been edited by Tsundoku: 18 November 2018 - 07:56 AM