worry, on 26 November 2018 - 06:46 PM, said:
Yep. So if ever you all see me behaving in a regrettable manner, reference QT's post above, think "there but for the grace of God go I," and extend to me maximum sympathy. 
----A little more on the book: for as exciting as it would be to see any good adaptation of SE's books, for one reason or another this one felt the most -- by far -- like a movie to me. He's mentioned a few times that when he writes, he is almost like a movie camera watching and weaving through the scene, and it definitely felt like that here. The scene-hopping structure of this was a lot like a blockbuster global disaster movie, but it has the brains of Dr. Strangelove rather than Independence Day (minus the barbed-wire satire, since it plays everything pretty much straight, so that comparison might just be a signal of my limited range of references).

----A little more on the book: for as exciting as it would be to see any good adaptation of SE's books, for one reason or another this one felt the most -- by far -- like a movie to me. He's mentioned a few times that when he writes, he is almost like a movie camera watching and weaving through the scene, and it definitely felt like that here. The scene-hopping structure of this was a lot like a blockbuster global disaster movie, but it has the brains of Dr. Strangelove rather than Independence Day (minus the barbed-wire satire, since it plays everything pretty much straight, so that comparison might just be a signal of my limited range of references).
I feel like this would need to be changed massively to be a successful movie box office-wise though. The pacing alone translated exactly as it is would turn it onto SNOW FALLING ON CEDARS type stuff that would fall apart in the medium. But I agree it could be tweaked into something really cool.
Also, if you want the epitome of "camera eye on the proceedings" fiction...you need to read Haruki Murakami's AFTER DARK. It literally opens with an omnipresent "film camera" eye that you see everything through. It's stunningly well done.