I would like to start a topic in which I will post all my digital works connected with Malazan universe. I hope it will be a big project and after some time there will be a lot of concepts, 3d models and illustrations. As a big fan of Peter Jackson's movie creation of Middle-Earth I'd like to make something similar for Malaz – I know, it's ambitious target but I have a time and patience. So who knows, maybe I will be able to do that. If everything will go ok, I would think also about collaboration with other artist to speed up the whole process.
Here is my actual portfolio – so you can see the actual level of my works: My portfolio - www.lukaszliszko.com . In Malazan Project I start from small assets and then move to some bigger ones and at the end to full characters illustrations.
So, first model will be a Bridgeburners brooch which was mentioned at the beginning of "Gardens of the Moon". Below are some silhouettes/concepts – I hope you can help me choose the best one or make a better version. Then I will model this in 3d and try to make it similar to Baldur's Gate 2 logo from my portfolio (image at the end of the post). All criticism, comments and suggestions are welcome

This post has been edited by Araiel: 07 June 2016 - 07:11 AM