I am so god damn sick and tired of modern movie trailers. They go out of their way to spoil significant moments in film and out right ruin my interest in watching films, but worse than that - now I feel like I can't watch films in the cinema any longer.
Right, so I went and watched Star Wars: Episode 7:
This fucking trailer. God damn. I am going to put this inside a spoiler block just in case you don't want a full synopsis of the entire Batman vs Superman movie, but this is the gist of what they showed us in the cinema:
WTF!? I just watched the entire film in 90 seconds! I am sitting there in my seat and there's nothing I can do. Am I supposed to try and run out of the room? Put my fingers in my ears, squeeze my eyes closed and scream as loud as I can?
Why do they do this?! No, I know why. Marketing research shows that actually showing the audience the best bits sells more tickets but get the fuck out of here!
Are people so god damn brain dead in this day and age that they can't watch a film with out having the plot served to them on a fucking platter?
I remember when I was younger, before the internet grew into the social media monster it is today. I used to love going to the movies because I could watch the latest trailers for films I didn't even knew was coming out. Hell, it used to be that you'd go see a film just because you'd heard a trailer was dropping that you could only see in the cinema.
Now? Now I don't want to go the cinema any longer. Sure, I could probably call up the place and ask them at what minute interval the trailers end and the actual movie starts playing but who the fuck wants that hassle? Better just watch it on Netflix in a year and fuck their ticket sales.
And it's not like Bat vs Supes is somehow an extreme example. All the latest trailers are like this. Everyone does this.
Am I the only one who thinks these practices are obscene? What is the benefit of watching a Synopsis of a film before you watch it?!
To me watching a film has to be engaging. I need to be enticed to keep watching. To me, watching a great film is like a journey. It's not really about getting from A to B but what happens in between. Sure, it's not like I couldn't imagine what Batman vs Superman is going to play out like but I want to be surprised. I want to experience the films best scenes as a part of a whole. A great film builds up the story through scenes and dialogue. If I already know what is going to happen, if I've already seen that speech, that twist in the trailer... Then what's the fucking point? I'm not going to pay 20-30 dollars for Movie Trailer: The Extended Edition.
I am so fucking angry right now.
This post has been edited by Apt: 22 December 2015 - 04:59 PM