Eloth, on 12 March 2014 - 08:40 PM, said:
I too think doing a find before a guard is our best bet, might clue us into who to guard and all. And yes, I think we should definitely be on the lookout for other possible pairings.
As for lover codes, the problem with them is that they can easily be accused of being a killer pair attempting to fake being town lovers. Plus it's not usually a good idea to reveal your partner if you've been outed. Still, we can do them anyway, in case some other permutation comes up down the line. I'll probably do some version of first letter of word to spell your name out either forwards or backwards.
Eloth, on 12 March 2014 - 08:41 PM, said:
Kilava, on 12 March 2014 - 10:37 PM, said:
When you quote a post it includes a header linkback reference to the original post if you click the speech marks in the quote, manipulating the numerical reference here we can hide information in the reference number, so 0512152008 is coded eloth (e 5th letter, l 12th etc) and will be utterly un-noticeable unless you're looking yet on thread. We make sure we know the post we've each coded it in, roll it out later, everyone gasps at the sheer cunning brilliance and knows it is us

Got a good few beers hopefully all on the company on me so low post post can wait till the morning.
I'm possibly away Monday, busy Tues next week so low posting again then. Play this one low and smooth. Any tips on the role? Targets coming to mind yet? Kill-finder is a quirky role that I quite like, the swapping here will make it very interesting. If one of us dies the other maintains the role I guess.
[b]Path-Shaper: automatically confirm any target Khell selects that I'm not around to verify[b]