twelve, on 11 October 2013 - 03:21 PM, said:
Ganoes Paran, on 11 October 2013 - 03:06 PM, said:
cruisers on a 4+ and dread on a 3+.
You are right Twelve. I am screwed, maybe not as much if I had not bought the shell world. Just keeping that from you was a victory in itself.
Tatts. I hate to tell this to you but you buying the Shellworld was probably the best move anyone could have done to help me especially since it doesn't look like D'rek will end up with it. It was too much of a resource drain and then I wouldn't have had enough ships to defend it. Two monoliths gave one extra point for the same resources spent. You buying it, also had the added bonus of you not being able to bring more of your ships to bear against me. An extra 20 materials invested in ships attacking the GC would have crushed me and then Tapper would have had good enough odds to make a play on Zeta Hurculis too.
Would have put me from Points leader to 6th or 7th otherwise.
You was going to buy the monolith's regardless. The shell world would have been placed in the GC which no one would have taken off you. It's not over yet Mr.