cerveza_fiesta, on 28 August 2013 - 06:25 PM, said:
I have been thinking about it. I offered it earlier but I'm wondering if I shouldn't wait to see what the outcome of my VP draw is first.
If it happens that I draw the remaining "4" tile or one of the 3 tiles, then I'd be better off keeping that at this stage in the game, since that's worth quite a bit more than a production bonus at this point. If I get all 1's then I'd probably do diplo.
At this point, he's fucked if you decide to attack him next round anyways. *shrug*
@SS You have to assume that Tatts is going to hit with both missiles. That's 4 pts of damage; i.e. you're going to lose a cruiser.
If you believe CF isn't going to attack you, do the upgrade and move the dread. If you don't trust him, for Turn 9 move your dread one hex NE to 324 and one of your cruisers out of Altair back to 324. Influence and colonize with money. Then pass.
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor Frankl