Ganoes Paran, on 22 August 2013 - 04:10 PM, said:
Galactic Council, on 22 August 2013 - 04:07 PM, said:
Would have been more prudent to put both ships in Arcturus and ensure a win Tatts.
if i hit I destroy her planets. The way I see the battle with twelve he'd need to hit with all his guns first time, or he blows, unless he upgrades, but that will lessen his firepower. I have one more upgrade coming to counter his next move. I think I can beat him and weaken d'rek this go. Big risk, I was tempted to hit d'rek twice though.
You have an option you might want to consider. You're at -25.
Turn 8: Influence action. -30. Remove discs from Beta Centauri (306) and Pollux (102). -21. 1 money and 1 science returned to their tracks. You're going to lose 306 anyway. and pulling the disc from Pollux allows Khell to retreat his interceptor.