Morgoth, on 14 August 2013 - 07:15 AM, said:
cerveza_fiesta, on 13 August 2013 - 10:37 PM, said:
I am still in for a concerted attack, but two things have now changed.
Twelve stands no chance of losing those dreads and we have nobody that can successfully attack the GC. Income damage is meaningless unless it comes with some material damage too. Right now, he can just bloat back out from the GC and retake every single system we win this round with superior technology.
What do others think about this? I can still go after the home system but I get the sneaking suspicion he'll just build a fucktonne of interceptors there and blow me sky-high out of spite.
Doesn't seem there is a lot we can do...
So tapper, about that 2 pronged attack on SS>?
That doesn't even make sense. Even with all of SS's territories, Tapper still wont have as many points as twelve. the only way for anyone but twelve to win is for twelve to lose a lot of territory.
Agreed it makes very little sense at all. The only person aside from twelve who it makes any sense to attack this turn is Tats, because he is wide open.
It makes much more sense for a coordinated attack on twelve, losing systems this turn will hurt him in the long run, the more systems he loses now, the harder it will be for him to come back. Realistically at this point killing his ships doesn't make much difference, as his amount of materials means there is little difference between a build and a move.
Still can't believe you guys let him grab conifold hull. I was sure khell was going to grab it and the 9 power. Then twelve would be in trouble.
The one person who doesn't gain directly from an attack on twelve is SS, so maybe you should be thinking about ceding some systems to him, to let others attack twelve.