twelve, on 19 July 2013 - 07:51 PM, said:
D, on 19 July 2013 - 07:41 PM, said:
twelve, on 19 July 2013 - 07:19 PM, said:
Ganoes Paran, on 19 July 2013 - 07:00 PM, said:
I guess it depends on if you actually follow through with your end. If you don't pin her ship I have zero incentive to believe you plus you already proved this game that you can't really be trusted so lie to me and I will grab the artifact key as I would be horribly idiotic of me not to do so. But if you do attack her I'll grab something else, probably a source. It basically boils down to if you trust me or not.
Betray your current ally to prove you are trustworthy!
Makes sense

Tatts has already proven to be more suited to playing as the pirates than CF has this game so yeah I'm not going to believe much that comes out of his mouth. I'm going to let his actions do his talking for him. If he commits his ships then he's commited as I don't see you backing out of a fight with him the way Gnaw did so I know that he will have his hands full for more than a round. Otherwise it's just a bunch of hot air and I know he's got something else up his sleeve so I need to grab the materials to prepare for whatever it is.
I'm not looking for another fight or more territory. Heck, I offered you diplo a round or two ago. I'll just be working to hold what I have, or lose minimal amounts of it anyways, but pushing outwards from my current position would be foolish, I just aim to hold. So I don't know about keeping his hands full. One of his dreads can pretty much take on any two of my ships at the moment, I would say, so with the artifact key materials he'll have plenty to dedicate elsewhere if he wants to.