Gnaw, on 26 June 2013 - 07:23 PM, said:
twelve, on 26 June 2013 - 06:20 PM, said:
You might already be counting on this but Tatts requires 2 reactions to build and move his second dread into your homeworld. If everyone passes before the gets a chance at the second reaction that improves your odds greatly.
Heh. Yeah, the reaction thing is a factor in my planning. It allows me to be a step ahead and broadens my options oh so slightly.
The pass thing had not occurred to me. I'll give that some thought, though I doubt CF would play along; he needs me to get stomped by Tatts.But for the moment, my Turn 6 is provisional only.
Twelve tou're a fairly nice guy and clever to boot. And I don't believe a contrary word that those others say behind your back.
Not even from Tapper.
Or Veng.
Or any of the commenters in the HHM forum thread dedicated to you.
I have a HHM forum thread dedicated just to me? Seriously!?! I would be (if true) completely honored except that I can imagine some of the stuff said about me so.... no, not so much.
Also, if we ever get another game of diplomacy going remember that I'm a nice guy and clever to boot sentiment when I try to give you advice on moves you can make. Just food for thought.