twelve, on 18 June 2013 - 04:17 PM, said:
What are you talking about? I got an ancient orbital on an empty hex, worthless, I also got the free tech tile too but was able to grab Starbases from it so am not complaining and I now got the most worthless ship part available. The first two games that someone drew it the part never made it onto a ship. I probably could have put it on my Starbases or Dreads but the energy drain is too much for me to afford for the forseeable future. So again now worth anything other than two free points.
Flux shield and ion turret both look grand to me. Morghy got a treasure trove. I got nothing but empty space, ancients and ancient hives (neither of which I had enough resources to take on). Supernova hex is the only good thing that's happened to me, and that's going to blow up in my face at some point the way this is going.
So let me moan in peace, thank you

I'm in a foul mood, I want to strike out at my Eclipse neighbours and instead they're all fully capable of running over me five times each without breaking sweat. Joke joke joke joke joke absolute joke.