Ganoes Paran, on 03 July 2013 - 09:09 PM, said:
Imperial Historian, on 03 July 2013 - 06:39 PM, said:
Question to tats, are you interested in diplo next turn? Long term diplo with you is probably better for Tapper, but your diplomacy slots look pretty full.
you can have wormhole, ancient and one next to itI'll have other four how about that? So Gnaw has eight hexes I think I've just taken home one so you get the valuable ones and I get the ones with single planets. I think that's right, I'm on phone so cannot look at both the map and type at same time. What are your thoughts?
That sounds reasonable, so to clarify that is the wormhole, supernova, the ancient hex, and the advanced econ/mining planet?
Sounds like a good deal.
Edit: remember tats you'll probably have to discard one of your vp tiles (unless you grab diplomatic fleet, which unless i miss my guess you'd be racing twelve for)