Galactic Council, on 03 July 2013 - 05:17 PM, said:
Not challengin
On a re-read I think I understand now.
IH was saying that tapper doesn't lose the diplo tile out of necessity.
Gnaw is saying that he's pulling the diplo tile intentionally during his upkeep prior to *actually* going bankrupt at the end of upkeep.
Do I have that straight? Again, a highly irregular move I think, but I ain't gonna argue if Gnaw wants to make it easier for me to exchange diplo with tapper.
No. Look at the rulebook. Upkeep phase: civilization upkeep. next paragraph: if you can't pay, you put your toys away and are out of the game. Next paragraph: Science and Material production.
It's very specific in separating money from mat/sci production.