Cocoreturns, on 24 November 2012 - 05:42 PM, said:
Day 487 since Ghost Story........
The Long Night is OVER.
Salvation has arrived. 515 pages of pure, uncut, unsullied Dresden.
For the weak? Those who succumbed to the previews? A woeful 483 pages.
I pity them their willful stupidity in reducing their own glorious hit of Dresden.
But I temper my thoughts with the knowledge that soon, once again, we shall all begin the wait anew.
For now however, I depart, for my book is awaiting.
This is Cocoreturns,
Progenitor of the Dresdencrack Logs,
Signing off.
++++++++++++++++++++++Log Ends++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Underlined, totally untrue. Why would i not re-read the epicness that is chapters 1 through 4? Every other Jim Butcher novel i have read, i read all the preview chapters, including the Alera books. And when I got my hands on the finished versions i always re-read the chapters. To do otherwise seems like folly to me.