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The USA Politics Thread

#13401 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 23 November 2022 - 04:03 PM

'Don't Believe What You Read About Turkey Inflation

[...] According to the Farm Bureau's annual survey, the cost of a Thanksgiving dinner is up 20 percent [...] has proven irresistible to local television stations and NPR reporters seeking holiday content. It's also been catnip for Republicans, who have pounced on the news to attack the Biden administration:

"[Senator] Chuck Grassley

American Farm Bureau reports a 16 pound Turkey will cost u 21% more this yr compared to last

Iowa families r forced to factor in sky high prices into their family budgets & the holidays will be no different We must bring fiscal sanity to Congress to help Iowa families"

[...] A 16-pound bird, surveyors report, is going for $28.96 this year, up 21 percent from last year. That's $1.81 per pound!

There's just one problem: Retail whole frozen turkey prices were at just $1 a pound last week[...] So, that's $16 for a 16-pound bird—not $29. It's a big enough difference to erase the entire $10.74 price jump between the cost of this year's Thanksgiving and last's that constitutes the Farm Bureau's main finding.

[...] Why does the Farm Bureau think turkey costs twice as much as the USDA says it does? And why don't journalists cry, um, fowl?

[...] The Farm Bureau does its surveys in October. That's not a very useful data point for whole turkey sales, since most Americans tend to buy a whole turkey just once a year—the week of Thanksgiving or just before. In fact, according to the USDA, just a few hundred U.S. supermarkets even stock whole frozen turkeys in mid-October.

[...] Whatever the reason, actual turkey prices right now are nowhere near what the Farm Bureau says they are—a fact the group sheepishly admitted in the press release announcing the survey last week. But those "sharply lower prices" didn't make it into News at 10.'

Turkey prices are up 20 percent, says the Farm Bureau. Not at the grocery store!

Et tu, NPR?... As a nonprofit I'd thought they wouldn't care so much about ratings?... maybe just lazy reporting (wish I call it 'exceptionally lazy'... but no, just the opposite).

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#13402 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 25 November 2022 - 08:05 PM

'Pence giving 2024 run "prayerful consideration"

“We'll have better choices” than former President Donald Trump in future elections, the former vice president said.'

Pence giving 2024 run ‘prayerful consideration’

Imagining 2024 Republican primary debates: Trump, DeSantis, Pence... and Kanye.

DeSantis and Pence: mumbling about the Bible. DeSantis trying to scowl like a tough guy.

Trump and Kanye: brutally mocking them. Trump recites 'the vicious snake' at Pence like a nursery rhyme. Kanye one-ups him by rapping, banging and kicking the podium.

IDK how much experience Kanye has in battle rap but insofar as Trump plays the insult comic and 'kidding not kidding' outside-the-box brain provocateur Kanye well may out-Trump Trump; OTOH I doubt he'll be as willing to pander and repeat whatever proves popular... but perchance he will.

Hypothetical conversation:

Trump to advisor: 'I'm picking Kanye as my VP'

Advisor: 'No you need to pick a Latino'

Trump: 'One of the ones doing the raping?'

Advisor: 'Just like you were... before the viagra stopped being enough'

#13403 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 26 November 2022 - 02:37 PM

'2024 National Republican Primary:

Trump 45%
DeSantis 30%
Pence 7%
Cruz 3%
Romney 2%
Haley 2%
Cheney 2%
Hawley 1%
Rubio 1%
Pompeo 1%'

Political Polls on Twitter

... but they haven't started including Kanye yet... well, probably not....

Big question is whether enough of the non-Trump contenders can agree to drop out soon enough for enough primary voters to unite around a single anti-Trump (to become the anti-Trump, as opposed to our Lord and Savior, the anointed-by-the-orange-goo, the (Passion of the) Trump). Has DeSantis been too pro-Trump (or at least not anti-insurrection) to get Cheney, Romney, and Pence on board?...

'the extent to which white Protestants believed Donald Trump was anointed by God to be president of the United States. Just 21% believed this, but evangelicals were more likely to believe it (29%), and pentecostals were the most likely (53%). This belief didn’t come out of nowhere, it was making the rounds of conservative media, with figures such as Rick Perry suggesting that Trump is “the chosen one,” a label Trump embraced and used (while pointing toward the clouds) [...] Others used variations on the theme[...] Trump is the “King of Israel,” and the “second coming” [...]

[...] In 2019, among white Protestants who attended church weekly or more often, 29.6 percent believed Trump was anointed by God to be president. But by March 2020, that figure had climbed to 49 percent.'

Trump The Anointed?

... but maybe DeSantis is the Third Coming? No more likely it's Kanye....

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Posted 26 November 2022 - 03:18 PM

Out of the list of GOP assholes I’d prefer Romney
"If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?" - Shylock

#13405 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 28 November 2022 - 02:29 PM

'[...] this is the problem with Saunders's narrative of Trump as an invader corrupting an essentially good nation: it casts Trump as an aberration, and so refuses to see the larger political forces that produce him — the diseased ideologies and structures of America itself. In the New Yorker essay, Saunders bemoans Trump's "muddy understanding of certain American principles," such as the illegality of torture. This is an important principle, of course, but it isn't an American one, as the prisoners at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib can attest. John Yoo, the author of the Bush administration's memos on the legality of torture, isn't in jail: he teaches law at Berkeley. To set Trump against "American principles" is to miss just how American he is.


Saunders admits that his faith has been shaken. "I've never before imagined America as fragile," he writes, "as an experiment that could, within my very lifetime, fail. But I imagine it that way now." This is supposed, I think, to be harrowing. But it's an evasion — the same evasion at the heart of Saunders's writing about Trump, and much other liberal thinking over the past six years. To imagine that America could fail is a kind of comfort, because it means that America has not yet failed, that there is still a profound gift or essential goodness that can be saved from the grubby orange intruder. A better art might puncture these illusions and imagine something more difficult and genuinely harrowing: that Trump's angry and bloated face is not the perversion of America, but one of its truest expressions.'

George Saunders Gets Trump's America All Wrong


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#13406 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 29 November 2022 - 10:48 PM

'Trump Has Been Pushed Back to the White Supremacist Fringe. Is That a Problem for Him?

The last time he spent this much time not denouncing Nazism, he won a presidential election.

Trump is having a throwback Is Donald Trump a White Supremacist? news cycle because he ate dinner with Ye (the former Kanye West) and a white supremacist named Nick Fuentes. [A Mexican-American white supremacist... white Hispanic. ...]

Fuentes [...] compared himself favorably to Hitler in explaining that he maintains celibacy in order to more fully pursue "total Aryan victory." He disavows the term "white supremacist," but if the term can't be used to describe him it has no meaning: Among many other things, he's used the N-word on a video stream, made crude comments about the children of interracial marriages, asserted that Black people have intrinsically poor "impulse control," and said that Jews have "bastardized" and subverted the United States. [...]

[...] According to Fuentes, "having sex itself is gay" and there is nothing "gayer" than being affectionate with women.

[...] At the dinner, [...] Fuentes flattered [Trump] by encouraging him to speak impulsively and off-the-cuff whenever possible instead of using a teleprompter[...]

Is it gay to use a teleprompter?

It's a question Nick Fuentes would probably have loved to ask Hitler.'

Trump had dinner with Kanye and Nick Fuentes. But is that a problem for him?

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Posted 29 November 2022 - 11:11 PM

The first guilty verdict handed down for seditious conspiracy. Does this move the needle on January 6th at all? I think by now everyone’s opinions are mostly locked in. This should be a major news alert but it seems to be a nothing.

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 12:26 AM

It’s a good day for that and the Respect for Marriage Act, and regardless of the needle these are good things in and of themselves.
They came with white hands and left with red hands.

#13409 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 02:19 PM

'People who know [DeSantis] better and have watched him longer are skeptical of his ability to take on [Trump]. [...] He can be awkward and plodding. And Trump tends to eviscerate guys like that.

[...] "A strange no-eye-contact oddball," [...]

"I'd rather have teeth pulled without anesthetic than be on a boat with Ron DeSantis," [...] DeSantis is not a fun and convivial dude. [...]

[...] DeSantis "has this robotic quality that he has to shed, [...] He just has to humanize himself."

All while Trump will be running DeSantis through his patented dehumanizer machine, which made such mashed mush of his rivals in 2016. Trump's efficient cartooning of [...] left them flailing pathetically.

"On a debate stage, all of Trump's strengths go straight to DeSantis's weaknesses," [...]

Trump has energy and presence; DeSantis "is dour and doesn't improvise particularly well." [...]

"[...] Trump would gut DeSantis with a dull deer antler," [...] "Trump would club DeSantis like a baby seal."


The pure nerve that allowed DeSantis to so debase himself before Trump and then promptly turn against his former kingmaker could serve him well. [...] "Ron's strength as a politician is that he doesn't give a fuck," [...] "Ron's weakness as a politician is that he doesn't give a fuck."

[...] during a debate with his Democratic opponent, Charlie Crist, who attempted to pin down the governor on whether he would commit to serving out his four-year term if reelected. [...] DeSantis froze. "It's a fair question and he won't tell you," Crist said, filling the silence. [...]

Trump likely took note and filed this away. "He knew and assessed the weaknesses of DeSantis on the debate stage and in the media space," [...] concluding that Trump will tear him to pieces. "He smelled blood."'

Ron DeSantis Will Not Wear Well

#13410 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 01 December 2022 - 09:22 PM

'House Judiciary GOP Deletes Infamous "Kanye. Elon. Trump." Tweet After Ye Praises Hitler

[...] despite West's repeated antisemitic statements—the tweet remained live on Twitter until West's Thursday afternoon applauding of the murderous Nazi Party leader. "[...] we've got to stop dissing the Nazis all the time," West told Alex Jones on his InfoWars show.'

House Judiciary GOP Deletes Infamous 'Kanye. Elon. Trump.' Tweet After Ye Praises Hitler

lol... 'Kanye. Elon. Trump. Hitler'

'Masked [Kan]Ye goes on antisemitic tirade on Infowars: "I like Hitler"

[...] "You're not Hitler, you're not a Nazi, you don't deserve to be called that and demonized," Jones told Ye, who was appearing on his program along with white nationalist Nick Fuentes, who made headlines when he accompanied Ye to a dinner [...] with [...] Trump last week.

"Well, I see good things about Hitler also. I love everyone," Ye said [...] while wearing a fully hooded mask [...] "And Jewish people are not going to tell me you can love us, and you can love what we're doing to you with the contracts, and and you can love what we're pushing with the pornography" while also condemning Hitler[...]

"Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler," Ye continued. "Also Hitler was born Christian."

[...] Jones told Ye he had a "Hitler fetish," to which Ye responded, "I like Hitler."

[...] Ye also said he does "not like the word evil next to Nazis" after Jones pushed back on some of his assertions, saying, "I love Jewish people, but I also love Nazis."

Jones laughed in response, saying, "Well, I have to disagree with that."

[...] As Jones was visibly uncomfortable and Fuentes watched with a grin, Ye pulled out a bottle of Yahoo chocolate drink and a small net he indicated represented Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu, mimicking him in a high-pitched voice saying, "We have to control the history books. We have to control the banks. And we have to go and kill people."

The Republican Jewish Coalition swiftly condemned Thursday's interview'

Masked Ye goes on antisemitic tirade on Infowars: 'I like Hitler' | The Hill

Wow... too much even for Alex Jones?

Interesting start to his presidential run... he might not even make the debate stage.

While I'm laughing at this, I also really hope it doesn't result in more antisemitic violence.... (Even after his nose job my elderly father looks about as Ashkenazi as can be... not to be confused with regular nazi of course.)

This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 01 December 2022 - 09:22 PM


#13411 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 03 December 2022 - 10:49 AM

'President Biden
United States government official

I just want to make a few things clear:

The Holocaust happened.

Hitler was a demonic figure.

And instead of giving it a platform, our political leaders should be calling out and rejecting antisemitism wherever it hides.

Silence is complicity.'

President Biden on Twitter

(responding to Kanye West...)

Tbh I'm still praying Kanye makes it to the Republican debates. (As a candidate that is---not storming the stage....) Perhaps by canceling Kanye Biden hopes to help make it happen? #HopeAndChange

#13412 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 03 December 2022 - 09:02 PM

Posted Image

One small step for a (retreating) Nazi sympathizer...

'Rep. Paul Gosar’s lengthy ties to White nationalists, pro-Nazi blogger and far-right fringe received little pushback for years'

Rep. Paul Gosar's lengthy ties to White nationalists, pro-Nazi blogger and far-right fringe received little pushback for years

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Posted 03 December 2022 - 11:39 PM

Pushback from whom though? His beliefs are GOP orthodoxy. It’s threatening the PR that’s a no-no (see: Steve King).
They came with white hands and left with red hands.

#13414 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 05 December 2022 - 06:07 PM

Interesting sequence:

'Kevin McCarthy

On the very first day of the new Republican-led Congress, we will read every single word of the Constitution aloud from the floor of the House—something that hasn't been done in years.'

Kevin McCarthy on Twitter: "On the very first day of the new Republican-led Congress, we will read every single word of the Constitution aloud from the floor of the House—something that hasn't been done in years."

... good excuse for doing nothing?... How about: 'Instead of passing laws we're just going to pray---and "investigate" Hunter Biden'....

'Trump calls for the termination of the Constitution in Truth Social post

[...] “[...] A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution[...] Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”'

Trump calls for the termination of the Constitution in Truth Social post

Thou shalt have no other Go* before me, for I am a jealous Go*,---and more sacred than the Constitution too!

IDK if McCarthy's bit about the Constitution actually was a dig at Trump's authority, or if Trump perceived it that way... could be a coincidence but I doubt it.


'Leading Republicans have remained largely quiet on the former President effectively calling for another coup. McCarthy, the Trump-backed candidate to be the next Speaker of the House, did not comment publicly on Trump’s post over the weekend[...]

Rep. Mike Turner, an Ohio Republican and likely next chair of the House Intelligence Committee, said [...] he “vehemently disagrees with the statement that Trump has made.” At the same time, Turner did not rule out supporting Trump if he’s the Republican nominee.'

Trump Says the Constitution Should Be Killed So His Presidential Dreams Can Live

'A leader of moderate Republicans in the US House repeatedly refused to condemn [...] Trump[...]

“Whoever the Republicans end up picking, I’ll fall in behind” them, [...]

“Even if it’s Donald Trump and he’s called for suspending the constitution?”

Joyce said: “I will support whoever the Republican nominee is. [...]”'

Republican moderate refuses to disown Trump over constitution threat

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Posted 05 December 2022 - 06:09 PM

McCarthy would be more novel wanking on the House floor than reading the Constitution.

It's empty calories, especially because he will not and cannot do anything to effectively oppose a Trump led movement to damage government stability etc. He's a loser, except for winning the elections to stay in Congress.
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Posted 05 December 2022 - 07:02 PM

 amphibian, on 05 December 2022 - 06:09 PM, said:

McCarthy would be more novel wanking on the House floor than reading the Constitution.

If he did that, then at least something would actually get done in Congress, right?

Screw you all, and have a nice day!


#13417 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 06 December 2022 - 12:55 PM

'Where did Marjorie Taylor Greene come from?

[...] she was a product, her family loved to say, of the “Great American Dream.” There was a three-story home [...] Marge—and that is what she was called, Marge[...]

[...] was a member of the Spanish club [...] “Shh … it’s the people outside!” her senior quote reads in the high-school yearbook. [...]

Forsyth County was a calm, quiet, ordered place. [...] white girl was found bloodied and barely breathing [...] Within 24 hours of her discovery, four Black men had been arrested [...] A white mob dragged one of the suspects from his cell and hanged him from a telephone pole. Two others were tried and executed. [...] On horseback, armed with rifles and dynamite, they drove out virtually all of the county’s Black population—more than 1,000 people. So successful were their efforts that the county would experience the modern civil-rights era vicariously at best. There were no whites only signs to fuss over [...] because there were no Black people to keep separate.

[...] community artificially devoid of sociocultural conflict, a history scrubbed of tension. That’s the basic attitude here toward the past[...]: “If you don’t talk about it, it goes away.”

[...] Who could say, of course, how regularly she made use of the indoor pool, or marveled at the built-in aquarium on the terrace level—two features of this “smart-home luxury estate,” [...]

[...] I do not know precisely how long it was before the shape of her life—the quiet, the respectability, the cadence of carpooling and root touch-ups—began to assume the dull cast of malaise. [...]

[...] on the campaign trail, Greene would anchor much of her story in the fact that she was a longtime business owner[...] In beautifully shot television ads, voters saw a woman whose days were a relentless sprint between building sites—hard hats, reflector vests, jeans—and light-filled conference rooms, where she wore dresses with tasteful necklines and examined important blueprints.

That is not a fully accurate picture. People at Taylor Commercial seem to have liked Greene personally, but she spent only a few years on the job and did not put her stamp on the company. Call her on a weekday afternoon, and there was a good chance she’d answer from the gym. She had “nothing to do with” Taylor Commercial[...] “It was entirely [her then husband].” [...]

[...] the same year she stepped away from her job, Greene decided to commit herself to Jesus Christ.[...] she was a “cradle Catholic,” born and raised in the Church.[... She claims] she had stopped attending Mass when she became a mother: when she’d “realized,” [...] “that I could not trust the Church leadership to protect my children from pedophiles, and that they harbored monsters even in their own ranks.”

Greene eventually decided to join [...] one of the largest nondenominational Christian congregations in the country. [...]

Many baptisms at [...] are accompanied by testimony[...] As she’d considered [...] “how they died for Christ,” Greene said, “I realized how small my faith was if I was scared to do a video and get baptized in front of thousands of people.” Before those thousands of people, she accepted Jesus as her lord and savior.


She has a sugary voice and a personable, generous affect; [...] sort of person whom a stranger might meet briefly and recall fondly to their friends as “just the nicest woman.” “The softer side of Marjorie Taylor Greene is what her friends, neighbors, and the people who elected her know,” [...]

[...] CrossFit, a fitness regimen that combines Olympic weight lifting with calisthenics and interval training; it has long been popular among law enforcement and members of the military. [...]

At CrossFit, Greene’s warmth made her a star. “CrossFit’s really intimidating,” [...] “Most people’s experience with CrossFit is … they run across ESPN, and they see these monster people doing crazy amazing things, and they’re usually like, ‘Ohhh, I’m never gonna do that.’?” But Greene could put people at ease. [...]

“She struck me as an extremely bored person,” [...]

Scattered among the posts about creatine supplements (“I love that stuff”) and the iPhone footage of Greene’s triple jumps [...]

[...] “confidence is also an area that I struggle in,” Greene wrote [...] “But I’ve decided to say ‘why not me?’?”

[...] “She would go through a really hard workout and then just stop in the middle of it and start crying,” [...] “And that started happening more regularly toward the end. It was just too much stress.” [...]

[...] Greene’s political origin story was not unlike that of millions of other Trump supporters. Despite having never hinted at an interest in politics[...] “He reminded me of most men I know,” [...] “Men like my dad.”

[...] Greene’s father had published a novel [...] called Paradigm. As best I can tell, this is Taylor’s effort to demonstrate the value of a system he invented called the “Taylor Effect”—which purports to predict the stock market based on the gravitational fluctuations of Earth—in the form of a high-stakes international caper. The story follows twin scientists who discover an ancient Egyptian box in the bowels of the Biltmore estate, the contents of which, they soon realize, could “destroy many of the world’s most powerful families” if ever made public.

He considered his stock-market theory to be “the Genuine Article”; in the afterword, he likened himself to da Vinci, Galileo, Edison, Marconi, and the Wright brothers. “History,” he wrote, “is filled with characters who endured ridicule, imprisonment, and even death because they discovered things we know today with absolute certainty to be true.” [...]

The Republican base was in the market for a Marjorie Taylor Greene—a suburban woman who not only didn’t recoil from Trump but was full-throated MAGA. [...] here was regular Marge, who would put America first. Sweet southern Marge [...]

[...] It was not until she latched on to Q and Q-adjacent theories that Greene’s political profile achieved scale and velocity. The deeper she plunged, the larger her following grew. And the more confident she became.'

Why Is Marjorie Taylor Greene Like This?

#13418 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 06 December 2022 - 05:36 PM

CrossFit as in 'fit for the Cross?'... like the martyrs she found so inspiring, searching for meaning beyond her extreme suburban 'dream home' boredom?...

'The Cross of CrossFit

[...] This is the pinnacle of the Christian faith - this is what separates Christianity apart from every other religion. [...]

[...] Let us look this morning at the cross and view it in terms of our crossfit journey. [...]

Luke 23:26–28 CSB
26 As they led him away, they seized Simon, a Cyrenian, who was coming in from the country, and laid the cross on him to carry behind Jesus. 27 A large crowd of people followed him, including women who were mourning and lamenting him. 28 But turning to them, Jesus said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and your children.'

The Cross of CrossFit - Faithlife Sermons

This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 06 December 2022 - 05:36 PM


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Posted 07 December 2022 - 10:34 AM

I see Herschel Walker was beaten in Georgia. Good.

Another Trump endorsement might just rattle some faith in him? Doubt it but there are still some politically astute people in the GOP, I assume, and not just sycophants, so maybe there will be some division there to cause strife in the ranks?
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I Scream
You Scream
We all Scream
For I Scream.

#13420 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 07 December 2022 - 11:33 AM

'Christian Walker Takes Aim at Father Herschel After Georgia Senate Loss

[...] “Republicans, we say we don’t play “identity politics” and then you ran this man mainly because he was the same skin color as his opponent with no background other than football. A boring old Republican could have won. The Truth: Trump called my dad for months DEMANDING that he run. Everyone with a brain begged him: ‘PLEASE DON’T DO THIS. This is too dirty, you have an insane past… PLEASE DONT DO THIS.’ We got the middle finger.”'

Christian Walker Takes Aim at Father Herschel After Georgia Senate Loss

'They have just lost their third Georgia Senate race in a row after not losing any for decades.

[...] f you’re a famous person who likes Trump, it’s almost automatic that Trump will push you to run for Senate in any given state.

[...] This is still a state that was comfortably red until 2020, and Republicans swept every other statewide race on the ballot in this year’s midterms—seven of them—without a runoff.

[...] Republican leaders, themselves, can never convince a base that doesn’t want to hear it that Trump, and everyone he touches, is a loser. But maybe the staggering amount of data in the 2022 midterms can.

Yeah, they can always hope…'

Raphael Warnock wins Senate run-off in Georgia: Here's how it reflects the entire midterm cycle


'GOP Election Losers Are Getting Even Weirder on Twitter

A month after losing his gubernatorial election, Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano was tweeting pictures of what he implied were suspicious clouds.

[...] He followed up with a link to an article about proposed future plans to study the effect of artificial clouds on climate change. The tweet appeared to be a nod to the “chemtrails” conspiracy theory[...]

[...] failed candidates have leaned into less electorally friendly messaging, from chemtrails to antisemitic conspiracy theories to (in the case of one candidate who didn’t make the November ballot) a call for “bullets” against political foes. [...]

[...] Mastriano fans were quick to connect his pictures to the “chemtrails” conspiracy theory, which claims a government plot to spray mind-controlling drugs from the backs of planes.

[...] Mark Finchem, the Republican candidate for Arizona secretary of state, went on a days-long screed about George Soros, the Jewish philanthropist who’s become a favorite figure in antisemitic conspiracy theories.

“Soros controls Fontes. Soros controls the press. [...] Soros controls the Sheriff. Soros controls the county supervisors. It is time we stand up to Soros and take back Arizona,” [...] “When we hold treason trials never forget who the traitors are,” [...]

Shukri Abdirahman[...] "We can no longer get rid of tyranny with ballots,” she tweeted. “It's only by bullets now.”'

GOP Election Losers Are Getting Even Weirder on Twitter

[This Is Fine meme, but with the flames replaced by bullets (and fireworks...)]

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