Dumbledude, on 23 February 2016 - 11:12 PM, said:
We've covertly supported regime change in Africa and South America several times. The media might not have covered it, but it happened. Recent history: Egypt and Honduras. Our covert action in those cases was probably fairly minimal, but we supported both coups and tried to argue both weren't actually coups at all so we wouldn't be forced to cut off aid funds.
Dumbledude, on 24 February 2016 - 01:23 AM, said:
Not necessarily predictive of anything, just interesting to see where Bernie, Hillary, and Donald fall relative to each other and to recent history.
Hillary is one of the weakest potential general election candidates we've seen in a while, perhaps even weaker than Trump, definitely weaker than Bernie by the numbers. The truly scary thing is that he'll be running to her left on several issues if she's the nominee. Corruption and campaign finance, trade, regime change, etc.