Posted 28 October 2011 - 02:54 PM
Awww! Nice to know that my presence is being missed (or is it my absence?). Work, timezone really leave little time for finaggling!
Anyways, apologies to everyone who was insulted by my unusual talk. But then, I have to ask myself, why were these people offended by it? And why are these people going after low posters, starting with Osseric? This stinks of scum behaviour, scum paranoia. Go after the 'little' people who aren't doing anything, which, by the way is exactlly what is happening in the story.
Plus my lack of frequent, instant posts was, because, I have work to do and the whole timezone thing. Plus, their are several low posters and my 'weird' talk is as unusual as the bogus avatar discussion; from what I conclude, aside from having a Chinese avatar, any is acceptable. But then, ranting on avatars is exactly the talk you'd expect from those filled with insecurity.
Plus, the whole 'low poster' scenario was brought about by Osseric just around the time when accusations were being fired at him. Stinks too much of a feint; diverting attention to the 'low posters'. Thus, in lieu of that feint, I think i have to make a decision. And, this also goes for Osseric et al. - Atrahal and Kessobahn. Why, you have to ask yourself, did they rapidly jump onto that bandwagon whose sole purpose is to outvote me, just because i posted two random, unusual posts?
Lastly, Ruse, why exactly do you want to have a glimpse under my oh-so-lovely habit? What game exactly are you playing at (besides stealing an avatar that rightfully belongs to me!)?