Dear Mr Erikson,
I'd like to go into further detail about the physiognomy of the distinct races in your works.
I would be very glad if you could elaborate on some of my assumptions.
Many of your descriptions correlate to physical features in the hominid line, i.e. Neanderthals and H. erectus. Especially features of the Tlan/T'lan lines, being described as heavy-boned and short.
If I remember correctly, the barghast are related (descend) to the Tlann, but are more "advanced" being taller and do not sport the robust facial features. This leads to interesting speculations about the nature of the Moranth, since they are kin to the Barghast.
How about the more distantly related species, the Four Founding Races:
1. The closest physically seem to be the lines of the Thelomen Toblakai (Teblor, Thelomen, Toblakai, Fenn?), being about 7 - 8 feet in height. Since they refer to humans as children, I assumed that their overall appearance is very much like a human's.
In this context I shall add the Trell, possibly being derived from the Thelomen. the are short(er) but broad-shouldered. The most striking features being large canines and a thick mane and a lot of body hair?
2. The Jaghut. and here it starts to get a little complicated. They are not human in their looks, although they have a humanoid frame. Skin colour is between grey and green, they have dark hair and large tusks (obviously only the lower canines are enlarged). So far there seems to be a strong resemblance to a typical off-the-shelf orc, and I would rather not encourage this view, since I am unutterably thankful for your creating an ORIGINAL world - without "borrowing" from Tolkien's menagerie.
I rather picture the Jaghut as something more feral and fiercer than human. Without being primitive! Large wellproportioned bodies, that resemble a human's albeit being a foot or two taller. And a face of fierce ferocity, bony protrusions and the like. How far away am I by now?

3. Now for the most difficult to depict: Forkrul Assail. Blue gry skinned, extremely lean-framed beings with " all too many joints". In MT we witness what that means. Arms and legs that bend in ways, human arms and legs were never meant to do. The Assail have dark eyes and long hair. The typical grey alien comes to mind, and again I oppose. I am not sure how to view the Assail and I guess that is the way you wanted it. Beings so estranged from human perception, that imagining them leaves you at a loss. I think this adds nicely to the threat they obviously pose!
4. K'Chain Che Malle: I guess this one's easier... Dinosaurs with swords for hands. I like that image very much. Which makes me fear I'm wrong...
Now, what's all this, why am I writing anyway. I remember rumours about an almanac. An encyclopedia of MBoF-World. I would really like that! Is there anything to that rumour?