Speaking of Doom. Supposedly Doom 4 is next up after id finishes RAGE.
I really hope they go against the trend and just go old school with that game. Forget the story beyond the fact that you are some marine trapped in post apocalyptic Mars/Earth/Hell and you want to go from point A to B. Just give us 60 levels where the mission is to find some keys and cards and located the exit (or secret exit). Make it really gory. Really violent. Really intricate. Make it co-op multiplayer. And then when this shit becomes a success like it has to be because it is fucking DOOM... Then release 30 new levels as DLC every 6 months for the next ten years.
And for the love of god, drop all that Darkness crap. Just corridors and open rooms with hundreds of monsters to blow in half.
This post has been edited by Battle Plaptypus: 08 June 2011 - 08:06 PM