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The game I'm playing is...

#701 User is offline   Silencer 

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Posted 01 September 2013 - 08:47 AM

View PostMacros, on 01 September 2013 - 08:12 AM, said:

I saw a 5.something mentioned, will check later when I'm on the laptop. I cut a few corners when I ordered it because I wasn't that flush

Even odds that will be your RAM (lower clock speed, mayhap), your HDD (those are automatically dropped due to performance vs. SSDs, plus 7200rpm is pretty standard, but you can get 10k rpm models), or your GPU - a 555GT/whatever suffix isn't exactly top of the line - and on a laptop, it will likely be an M-for-mobile model, meaning weaker than desktop - we're up to 7xx series cards now, after all.

Still should be more than sufficient for the purposes of Rome II, I'd wager. :)

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 01 September 2013 - 09:44 AM

My computer had better be capable of playing Rome II! I need to establish Roman power across the entire world. It's a burning need you see!
Screw you all, and have a nice day!


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Posted 01 September 2013 - 11:44 PM

Purchased and preloaded Rome II last night, domination of the ancient world here we come!

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 05:47 AM

There's a huge shopping centre beside the site I'm currently at, dinnertime expedition!

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 02:36 PM

Owwww, the fan boys are going rabid with pure unadulterated hatred on both the CA forums and Total War Centre.
"I want my money back!" "My mates abandoned this game and I will too!" after, on average, 2 hours of playing.
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#706 User is offline   Macros 

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 06:33 PM

oh no, angry fan bois?
but I'm only midway through installation? should I just take the disc out now and burn it?

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 06:56 PM

View PostTapper, on 03 September 2013 - 02:36 PM, said:

Owwww, the fan boys are going rabid with pure unadulterated hatred on both the CA forums and Total War Centre.
"I want my money back!" "My mates abandoned this game and I will too!" after, on average, 2 hours of playing.

So what's the general beef people have with it?
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Posted 03 September 2013 - 07:03 PM

read two vastly different reviews there.

one was gripping over bugs on the graphic side of things, a few AI problems.

other was quite happy and founf 3 problems in over 50 hours of play.

I'm not detered by this. Rome will be mine

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 08:09 PM

Bought Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance today.

I am not very good at this hack and slash combat games but boy am I enjoying my Metal Gear fix. The emphasis seems to be on the gameplay more so than the last couple of Metal Gear games but there's still just the right amount of insane military super science anti war pseudo futuristic Japanese techno pop culture drama nonsense going on for me to enjoying myself. I do so love the boss battles in Metal Gear. You get a two minute monologue as an introduction to a new cool bad guy and then you chop him into little bits and feel sort of sad afterwards.

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 08:37 PM

two battles of the prologue wrapped up. its pretty, the commands as very simila,r i'll just have to change the wasd camera control to the arrowpad, never liked wasd.

I'll not really have any judgement on the game until I get stuck into a campaign

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 08:40 PM

i have NO problem with Rome 2 (aside from my shitt Computer) no bugs and only the lack of autoupdating stats (i need to reclick the thing for it to show new stats) i am happy
i want to see this world where T'lan imass kneels

#712 User is offline   Macros 

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 08:59 PM

ah, thats why my spearmen lost like 30 men to one volley, they didn't :)

#713 User is offline   Primateus 

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Posted 04 September 2013 - 09:00 PM

Die for Rome! DIE DIE DIE!

Oh, right, yeah. I'm playing Total War: Rome 2
Screw you all, and have a nice day!


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 07:22 AM

View PostMacros, on 03 September 2013 - 08:37 PM, said:

two battles of the prologue wrapped up. its pretty, the commands as very simila,r i'll just have to change the wasd camera control to the arrowpad, never liked wasd.

I'll not really have any judgement on the game until I get stuck into a campaign

I had a bug in the prologue in that it didn't give me a 'finished' message after the outro movie, but that's small fries and if important, only for the Achievements.
I am now half a day in as Macedon.

Impression so far: Great. Great game.

The main gripe people name is the capture the flag mechanic, which was always there (city centre). Yes, sneaky cavalry captures are now an option to win as the attacker against a force that has you beat, but then, the defender should hold a unit or two as a reserve there. The "I will pile all my heavy infantry units around the flag" strategy is going to be sunk by using high caliber siege weapons on their massed units, I guess, once people can be bothered to build them, and the CTF requirement nullifies the 'mass units behind the gate in a slaughter pit' strategy and the 'pick the highest mountain on the map, sit on it' defense of earlier titles.

Another so-called issue is battle speed, with most 5-10 unit-a-side battles being over in six minutes where smaller scale engagements in Medieval 2 and Shogun 2 took 10-15 each (with usually 5 being reserved for missile exchanges in Medieval - I have fond memories of 7 Scottish Guards + 7 Aventuriers and 5 Dismounted Noble Knight army combinations - although in Shogun the enemy closed fast). I think it is pretty realistic in that sense; usually the first shock carried battles, and if you want to protract combat, simply line your units in multiple deeper rows, like the maniple system.

The combined arms operations with assaults from the sea are unbelievably cool. Can't wait for the moment where I take on a decent navy which is trying to attack my transports instead of unloading its troops in port, giving me an uncontested landing. I will probably try it at some point with Athens, which did a lot of landing and raiding by naval crews historically.

I love how generals can now be in different units, making them highly important parts of your army rather than a chase-the-beaten-enemy-down-for-big-experience-at-the-end-of-battle-and-sit-pretty-until-then unit.

I absolutely LOVE the new city system with 4 slots for a minor city and 6 for the capitals and the sheer amount of buildings available, but I would have liked an explanation in the tooltip whether or not for example Horse Ranches boost recruitment faction- or province-wise or only on the local city's recruitment. Makes a huge difference in city planning.

The Growth generation mechanic is equally impressive and intuitive and allows a lot of flexibility. Who cares that castle/city advancement now is point based instead of % of number of inhabitants based? It is much easier to steer, modify and calculate. The garrison system being tied to construction is equally smart, although I'd say that late game garrissons will be easily overpowered unless they grow rapidly in size and quality.

The iffier bits:

By grouping factions culturally, the buildings one can erect are a bit bland. Sparta, Athens, Macedonia, Epirus, Carthage and Egypt (the last two have different religious buildings) share a ton of completely identical buildings with only 1 or 2 differing ones, and that's a pity. I would have loved if, for example, Temple to Poseidon was Poseidon Hippios for Macedonia, giving them a cavalry bonus but no hull bonus to ships, where the building would be called Poseidon Ennosigaios he'd give a hull bonus in Athens but no charge bonus for cavalry.

Having examined the unit rosters, I'd say that Rome does have the best of it, a bit like England having a superior roster in Napoleon and Empire. Not only the units with the best stats (I guess that's offset by their unit upkeep and recruitment cost), but also superior versatility, the only thing lacking being pike units. Being able to build ships with Principes on them in the early game (if the tutorial doesn't skip stuff) is pretty overpowered as well.

The numerous special abilities may be an issue. I have seen my hoplites execute a perfect bunched up charge in formation against the enemy, boosted by a charge special ability. Likewise, my Companion Cavalry in diamond formation with the Trample special devastated a line of tribal spearmen that had just swung into position without any losses - it works, but it is a tiny bit of a hassle and a shit ton of micro management.

People also scream about boredom when they click the game map and how much time they spend there since they can only have three armies and garrissons are fairly big, early on. I love it. It gives a slower pace, is historically (more) correct and creates a more level playing field for all involved. With the fleet system being what it is, you don't have 3 armies anyway, you have 6 (unless you are landlocked).

Second to last, people shout about the technology tree. Yes, most techs are very small percentage bonuses, the same for general upgrades and army traditions. And that is perfectly fine. I saw reviewers saying "it's only a 3% bonus!" yes, of course. Not only is it in addition to unit experience, if it was 10% increase, you'd walk over opponents without a single problem. I've never been a fan of agents apart from the ninja/geisha in the Shogun games, and I don't see much of a use here but maybe I'll be proven wrong.

Finally, the lip synch of advisors is terrible, unrequired and a waste of money. The army and navy names seem to come straight out of Hollywood (Odysseus' Wanderers, wtf?!).

But all these issues are tiny compared to the joy the game gives me so far.
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Posted 05 September 2013 - 08:13 AM

Haven't got time to even turn on my laptop again, it will be Friday night before I get at it again. going to go ahead and say fuck it to the prologue and start a campaign. Whilst I love the Julii I am tempted to make a run with a non roman faction.

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Posted 07 September 2013 - 04:20 PM

I haven't been able to drag myself away from my EUIV Byzantium game to get that much time in with Rome II to be honest.
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Posted 07 September 2013 - 05:27 PM

i havent got back to it since thanks to work. hoping for a rattle tonight

#718 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 07 September 2013 - 06:31 PM

View PostMTS, on 07 September 2013 - 04:20 PM, said:

I haven't been able to drag myself away from my EUIV Byzantium game to get that much time in with Rome II to be honest.

Are you playing Ironman? It has made my games a lot more interesting for sure. I think when I've succeeded with Morocco to my satisfaction I will go ahead and turn Mecca orthodox with Ethiopia.
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Posted 07 September 2013 - 08:52 PM

poker intervened alas, beer sits better with poker than rome

#720 User is offline   Macros 

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Posted 07 September 2013 - 08:53 PM

also, Morgy, I enjoy killing you off, sign up for RAF again

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