Silencer, on 28 June 2012 - 11:42 AM, said:
Tattersail, on 28 June 2012 - 11:34 AM, said:
Depending on how atrocious the normal HDD is, possibly...but if an external HDD was going to be *that* much better than your internal one - enough so to see a noticeable change in gaming performance - your laptop probably doesn't have a good enough connection to do anything other than make things worse (because it would bottleneck at the USB port, basically). So theoretically, yes. Practically? No way in hell!

The key areas for gaming performance are, naturally, RAM, GPU (graphics card) and CPU. There is no way to get more of those without internal modifications which are a bitch to do on a laptop. I'm assuming this laptop is quite old and/or really low-power, and in either case you're screwed, I'm afraid.

No i'm sure it'll be okay, maybe i'll transfer a lot of the stuff already on the Laptop onto the external harddrive and use the laptop for gaming. It's fairly new