Luckily I own the house. Any work I do and damaged caused from said work will be mine to fix/cry over. Ive decided to do it all myself as I am a man, and my dad did everything so I will follow proudly in his footsteps
I only found the cracks of doom when I wanted to put some net curtains up. The missus likes them and she gets what she wants so i gets what I want...peace and quiet mostly
The house looked great in the pics and when we went to check it out, but we should have looked more closely. Lessons have been learnt and the next time I buy a house I'll be checking EVERYTHING!
I've just ensured that the master bedroom door and bathroom door now close fully and can be locked so I can take a dump in peace
In the toilet of course, I'll be sleeping int teh bedroom.
In the garden 4 sections of fence had come down in the 3 months while the mortgage went through. Thick grass was growing through the fences and one out of the four sections is worth using. I think my rage didn't help and I probably could have salvaged at least one more.
The entire garden seems to have been taken over by many different kinds of rampant weeds, most of them stingers and thorny types. My hands feel like pincushions and Ive been nettled a few times...RAGE!!!
The front garden is a mess. Waist high grass, even growing out between the paving slabs.
This house is really going to keep me busy for some time...Funnily enough I'm looking forward to it all
The kitchen is now ready for full service and all the appliances work. Woohoo! One room done, the rest to go.