cerveza_fiesta, on 06 October 2010 - 11:36 AM, said:
It'll be awesome when all my torches burn out and I get to reclaim my bases from all the new monsters.
All old torches will be turned into permanent lamps when the patch goes through, so that wont be an issue. There's a lot of speculation currently if the patch will only affect torches you already places or whether it might also change the torches in your inventory/chest. Just for the hell of it I've filled two big chests with torches just to see if I'll get a lot of permanent lamps out of it.
Morgoth, on 06 October 2010 - 11:55 AM, said:
fuck! I loaded and somehow the game had moved me from the little island I was camping in to the bottom of the ocean. My character drowned in the middle of god knows where with the hundreds of blocks of clay, reeds, yet another set of iron armour, diamond pick-ax and sword, the lot.
Gah, I'm seriously getting annoyed at this shit.
Were you standing on something weird when you logged out? There's a some kind of bug/feature that moves you if you log out while standing on something like a half stone. This can actually move your spawn point.
Green Pig, on 06 October 2010 - 02:29 PM, said:
Tarcanus, on 06 October 2010 - 02:01 PM, said:
- I believe that wooden blocks must burn on all 6 sides before it will be consumed, so only lighting one side will let it burn forever.
Well I thought that too, but often, I've lit a block of wood on the top surface only and it still burns up.
The infinitely burning log is actually a bug. It is not supposed to do that but Notch has not done anything about it yet, since it still serves a purpose. Some times it will burn out, some times it will just burn for ever.