LOL. For sure. Although, 1.5 release has been extremely stable. Best one yet. Hopefully that keeps up with 1.6
I won't turn on hell or sky world until we know it's working correctly. They've never been turned on, thus never generated on our server. I'd hate to turn it on and start exploring only to have those chunks left out of future updates (like the main area not receiving any biomes, etc...)
Starter materials are now restricted only to pics and a bow and arrows. You gotta mine the rest yourself.
Sometime in the future I'm adding an orientation quest for new users that will see you run to the nearest points of interest, find a hidden chest containing a piece of armor and a sign that will direct you to the next point of interest. The full quest will see you outfitted with a full set of steel armor and a sword. OR you can just do it all yourself. Until I make the quest however, you're on your own.
Here's the formula for a single-track two-way boosted rail connection.
|=| = block
|B| = booster
==== = normal rails
|=||B|=||B||B||B||B|====================[x 29ish normal rails]===========|B|===================[rinse repeat to destination]==============|B||B||B||B|=|B||=|
Written out, that's
- Block
- Booster
- 1x normal rail
- 4x adjacent boosters
- 29x normal rails
- intermediate Booster
- Repeat steps 5 and 6 to destination
- 4x booster rails
- 1x normail rail
- Booster
- Block
Put a redstone torch next to every single booster along the way and the quad-boosters at either end of the track
The single boosters next to the blocks at either end are your starters. They are unpowered normally, but hook them to a pushbutton with a simple redstone circuit.
The single boosters next to the blocks give you your initial momentum. The quad boosters accelerate you to max speed of 8 blocks/second. Each single booster along the way restores momentum. Ideal is 1 every 26 blocks for max speed, but 1 every 30 is more conservative of booster tracks and gives you an average speed of about 7.6 blocks/second. Any farther apart and your average speed really suffers.
Any unpowered booster rail will stop you, so make sure all your intermediate boosters, including the quad boosters are powered all the time with a redstone torch. Sometimes placing the torch first glitches and won't light up the booster, so place the booster track first and make sure it lights up after you place the torch. Boosters work on hills. I place em every second block on a hill and light each individual one with a redstone torch.
Corners also seem to kill momentum, so I've gotten in the habit of putting 2 boosters at each boosting into the corner and one boosting out.
If you want to see one in action, check out the link to Apt's from Jim's tower near the spawn point. I've built a link from Jims to apt's tower, another to apt's dome and another out to Kanubis' new place from the dome.
Just smash your cart and replace it for each leg of the journey. easy!