Tiste Simeon, on 15 September 2018 - 10:58 AM, said:
Basically neither of us particularly like horror but we do it for a bit of fun so it's never anything too disturbing (e.g. Saw) or Satanic...
So far we've watched the following: The Purge; Get Out; Woman in Black; The Crazies... That kind of thing. As you can see nothing massively terrifying or brutal but enough to get the heart racing.
All suggestions welcome.

Still looking for a scary movie to watch for Halloween? Well, may I suggest the 'flew under the radar' movie when it was released (but still good) titled: Breakdown.
From 1997, and staring Kurt Russel and J.T. Walsh. Russel hits it out of the park and J.T. Walsh is creepy AF. Definitely recommend it for Halloween spookiness.