QuickTidal, on 25 July 2018 - 12:43 PM, said:
Traveller, on 22 July 2018 - 06:02 AM, said:
. and goddamn King Ghidorah!
The Antarctic base where Ghidorah is being housed in the trailer, is Outpost 31.
The Antarctic Base in John Carpenter's THE THING, is Outpost 31.
This is (according to the filmmaker) NOT a mistake or a coincidence, but is intentional.
I am SO fucking AMPED for that movie.
Thanks for that little detail! I know I'm usually the first to feel a bit let down when a gorgeous trailer doesn't get matched in terms of the score or quality in the actual movie, but I really, love this trailer.
There's some interesting info on each of the 'titans' released by Monarch on the Godzilla 2 site. I just hope the main story thread about releasing the monsters makes sense, and the people involved do so for the right reason.
Ghidorah will be the show stopper, that blast of yellow fire/lightning through the walls in the trailer was him... I wonder how they'll translate his weird noises though?
I really like Gareth Edwards movies, but this is going to make his Godzilla look more like an intro... which is probably while I cut it a bit of slack at the time, as that's basically what I was expecting from it.
So that's the story. And what was the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge.