Tsundoku, on 15 December 2022 - 09:24 PM, said:
worry, on 15 December 2022 - 04:17 PM, said:
"Rating failed: You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day"
QuickTidal, on 15 December 2022 - 07:30 PM, said:

Uhhhhhh ... please refresh my memory on your revisit of TLJ? I actually went looking for it but my search-fu is weak. In my defence, I am old and have a memory like a particularly large-holed sieve.
Although someone does need to screenshot that emphasised bit above for

champ, on 15 December 2022 - 09:25 PM, said:
Here it is. I posted it in the SW thread:
QuickTidal, on 24 June 2022 - 01:08 PM, said:
I think my upset about it blinded me to a really poignant part of it.
Kylo Ren is MISERABLE after he asks Rey to join him and she refuses. I've NEVER noticed this (I've only seen the movie once, so you'll have to forgive me). He basically gives her the Vader/Emperor offer and she refuses him and it makes him miserable. Coupled with another thing...when Luke's image tells Leia that "no one is gone forever"....I think I assumed he was talking about himself to his sister, and maybe Han....but fuck me...he's talking about Kylo. He KNOWS Ben can be redeemed. This allows me to think Luke spent like 6 years being shitty, but has finally figured it out that no one is bad forever....and I CAN'T believe I never noticed this in the film....I think I always thought that Rian was hell bent on Kylo being the big bad..but he wasn't. The last act of his film shows that Kylo is not only pulled to the light still, but his Master feels he's redeemable.
This changes a BIG reason I didn't like the movie. And now I feel like I might be able to watch it (in portions) and not hate it outright.
I still dislike MANY aspects of it, and most of those won't change and I still don't like Rian Johnson as a person (I think he's a smug shit)...but I can find things to like about this film now.
So this is me like 5 years later, being conciliatory about a movie I hated, and saying I don't hate it as much as I did, and there is value in parts of it.
There. Have at me, everyone who I raged at about this movie. I deserve it.
I like the movie quite a bit now, while still taking issues with some of it, I concede it's very good when it's good and I just didn't see the nuance of certain things on the only theatre watch I'd had of it previously.