Abyss, on 25 October 2022 - 03:44 PM, said:
QuickTidal, on 25 October 2022 - 02:39 PM, said:
Abyss, on 25 October 2022 - 02:04 PM, said:
Maark Abbott, on 25 October 2022 - 07:51 AM, said:
... puts us at £252 a week, and just over £1000 a month.
For context our entire year's bill for FY2021-22 was about £960.
We can't afford heat. We literally can't.
How you have not revolted and executed your gov by now i do not understand. They're actively trying to kill you.
Revolutions have been started for less. Capitalism has fucked us ALL into acceptance for so long that it slid into Neo-Feudalism without anyone noticing, and we are collectively locked into it and any attempts to break out would result in a lot of years of strife (like you can't General Strike without threatening your job, and therefore the life you're eeking out just above the poverty line)...so I'm not sure what happens.
Look at us here in Canada Abyss. Rich evil fuckers like Galen Weston Jr. not only have us by the collective balls, but they MOCK us by releasing pandering Bullshit "price freeze" ads to try to keep everyone from freaking out. He's Lex Luthor without the charm. The more we let people like there Weston's OWN us, the worse it will get. They are not going to relax their profit margin quietly. They know people need food and The Westons and Empire Foods own EVERY grocery store but Metro and Food Basics. Two monopolies exist in Canada for FOOD....it's more mental than our telecom situation.
I shop for most of my produce at small Asian grocers [minus T&T who are owned by the Westons] now since they have not been gouging, but shopping for regular ass shit (non-produce stuff)...has become insane. A single pack of hot dogs (which let's make sure we know is a shit JUNK food with very little nutritional value) is now cresting $9. NINE FUCKING DOLLARS FOR HOT DOGS.
The French Revolution boiled over from rotten food. We ain't far.
You're not wrong about the Westons as a force in food, but alternatives still exist (at least in Ontario on top of Metro and Basics there's Farm Boy/Sobeys, Dominion, Freshmart, Walmart, Whole Foods) and even two monopolies isn't a monopoly, it's competition, albeit limited competition (and ripe for price fixing, but we do have some protections against that... i know, i know, but they exist even so and they work to an extent). I can't speak to specific neighborhood/community/transport situations where alternatives are not options, but at base choice exists even if the price spread for hot dogs is all of a dollar from Walmart to Whole Foods. I'm not suggesting that's good or good enough, but at the end of the day more Canadians than not have some choice about where they shop.
hen the pandemic hit and families were stuck at home and the cost of higher power use during prime daytime hours became an issue, the Ontario prov gov froze rates at the lowest cost. The public demand triggered a positive gov reaction. In contrast, Maark's narrative. It's worse. I am stunned they are not rioting.
I fully expect riots. Our government criminalised protest (you can now potentially get up to ten years imprisonment for protesting as it 'disturbs the peace'), people were beforehand left with a binary choice between heating and food, but the fact the Tories refuse to reign in private-owned energy (this being because it would demonstrate that Thatcher's privatisation and 'let the markets sort it out' approach is an utter failure, which they ideologically cannot stomach as to a conservative EVERYTHING must be profitable) means a lot of families are now looking at scrimping by and wrapping up in blankets whilst their homes mould over. We have what was once a Boris Box, then a Truss Tub, now the Sunak Shop in the kitchen, a big box filled with long shelf life meals so that if it gets as bad as I expect, we can at least eat half a tin of beans a day.
I would love to say that I'm exaggerating, but I also live in what was (or still is) the most impoverished area in Europe and so people here will probably be hit the hardest - especially now we have a PM whose history shows that he will divert funds from the North and back into already wealthy areas nearer to London.
I would also love to joke that the man from the country of nipple-sucking kings telling us how to properly dispose of bottled goods for maximum effect didn't happen, but yes it's at the stage where passing Irishmen are offering advice on such thing. In Minecraft, of course.
amphibian, on 25 October 2022 - 07:53 PM, said:
Maark Abbott, on 25 October 2022 - 07:51 AM, said:
For us, running a shower for about 5 minutes is 30p on the meter. Running a bowl of hot water to wash the dishes is 13p. So assuming that 30p per 5 minutes of gas used is the average, that's £3.60 per hour. In the winter we would average about six to seven heated hours a day, (more if it was really bitter out) which puts us at £252 a week, and just over £1000 a month.
For context our entire year's bill for FY2021-22 was about £960.
We can't afford heat. We literally can't.
That's deeply painful to read and full body infuriating. I'm sorry and I hope you get the general election super fast to start addressing these unsustainable costs.
Azath is doing this for his own choices rather than dealing with crushing costs like this.
I don't think a general election will fix things, because the Tories are either in bed with or control most of the media, and despite everything their voter base is still more likely to vote for them than not because they're that deep in the Tory hole. Think Trump voters, they're not far behind.
What really galls me is that we also have wages that have been generally stagnant for YEARS. I work in law (top of my department, deal with all the complex stuff on team) and despite this, my household collectively earns less than £40k a year and I am basically borderline fuel poverty.
Something has to change, and soon. Because if it doesn't, I imagine the first brick will fly when the first child freezes to death in their own bed.