Cause, on 27 November 2017 - 11:49 AM, said:
Are we having a book war as of old! Glorious. I missed these! This is making my groove
First off, Elantris is a piece of shit but Sanderson himself is some kind of writing genius genetically engineered by Librarians to keep the shelves stocked and make people with writers block weep! GRRM weeps, but he wipes the tears away with fifties so he doesn't show it. Stormlight is fun, the setting is amazing. Mistborn is good. Calamity is a fun YA fantasy. Warbreaker is a piece of shit. When you write 52 books a year I guess they wont all be for everyone.
The dragoncow! Fantasy reached a been there, done there kind of saturation a while back. Then Patrick Rothfus stepped forth and he declared that cows can be dragons to! He shall enter the halls of fame everlasting for this literary genius. It must be made clear that dragon cows are worthy even if a little silly but chickens that are not really chickens earn their writers only disdain and pitying glances. We can all agree that Terry is the real enemy of all fantasy lovers right? Sure the idea of confessors was cool, but the books. OMG the books! I recommend everyone read to at lest book 4 so they can enjoy the many parodies.
Bakker! If you ejaculate black semen you are probably evil
Steven Erikson made me love fantasy about 15 years ago! Then the more the read from him the less I liked him. Go figure
Robert Jordan. Fantasy owes him so much. He created a series monumental in scope that allowed authors the foor in the door to make there. It was only a decade or more later that we began to realize he could never deliver. A once promising series stalled and began a nosedive in qaulity. What series does this remind me of? Nearly all of them
Neither Elantris or Warbreaker are that bad. The reason people liked Mistborn better was that Vin was Kelsier. Elantris had a really drab setting. And Warbreaker was Sanderson levels of bizarre, showcasing how far he would go to avoid showing sex.
Mistborn had a great first book, a meh second book and one of the worst series ending I have ever read.
Stormlight has good worldbuilding but repetitive character work at least for the main protagonist. Also I am not confident if Sanderson will be able to maintain a ten book series properly.
Rothfuss - I was never that fussed about the damned Dragoncow. I loved the beauty of his writing. What I did have a problem with was Kvothe being ultra perfect.
Bakker - Black semen is extremely overblown. You hardly ever notice it. My main issue with him was that the last two books felt a bit like misery porn.
Jordan - is highly overrated. A worldbuilder
par excellence, he eventually fell into his own trap and started spending paragraphs describing wall hangings. Also he succeeded in creating someof the most infuriating characters known to fantasy.
SE has only gotten better with time IMO. Both TtH and TCG are comfortably part of my top ten fantasy books.