Loki, on 06 January 2017 - 05:59 AM, said:
Matador's uncle passed away over night. He discovered he had lung cancer two weeks before Christmas.
His wife responded by asking for a divorce, as you do.
They have four kids age 4 to 18. I feel really sorry for them. Losing a parent sucks. Losing one when your young sucks balls.
Matador wasn't really close to his uncle but he wants to go to the funeral. Inreally don't want to go. I'm so over funerals that I don't even want to attend my own one. He says he is happy to go by myself but this is the first death he has ever experienced (in his own family) so I'm not sure. A part of me feels I should go just in case he needs moral support. Majority of me is wordlessly screaming at the idea of going.
And this is going to sound pretty selfish given the hell other people are going through but I keep just hoping this won't affect our plans. The funeral is on Thursday and Matador and I have plans to see Halestorm that night. Which normally wouldn't be a big issue except for the fact that we haven't gone out together by ourselves (no kid, friends, family etc) in over a year. We've both been really looking forward to it. It's gained more importance than simply going to a concert.
So I feel pretty awful that that's my main concern. I haven't said anything about it (except here) but I'm really worried we'll have to cancel. We need to find a new sitter as I'm certainly not going to allow his mum to still sit for us (it's her brother that passed). She started to say how she might still be up to minding Rip after the funeral and we were like 'Yeah, that's really not something you need to be worried about right now. You have more important things to focus on.' She tried to argue that she could still do it, knowing how much it means to us, and we basically had to remind her that her brother just died and was being buried that day to point out how completely justified it was for her to not babysit.
So basically, I don't want to go to the funeral but feel I should but I know my ptsd will have a field day if I do go and I'm feeling bad about being more concerned about whether we can still make our concert or not. Ugh.
Hmmm. that's a toughie. His need for moral support for you will come down to how much his uncle meant to him and how close they are. If they were close like a normal family, it might be harder for him and you should go. If he was an uncle he rarely saw or interacted with, he might be able to manage it on his own.
Sidebar. I saw Halestorm in November, and they were incredible! Watch out for Arejay's drum solo with the massive drumsticks.
Hope you still get to go and have your night out together. That time is important.
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora
"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon