1. How everyone (in my RL) expects me to always do everything on my own and at the same time thinks it's their god-given right to force their opinion on me, and beware should I not listen. This includes, but is not limited to, my dear mother.
2. A longer story. I teach the granddaughter of a friend of my mom's German, as they moved here only some months ago. I also help them with paperwork and stuff. That's fine. I did not ask for that particular kind of work, but oh well. Now, it seems like the girl is being bullied at school and wants to transfer to another school. The former sucks, so it's not like I don't want to help. Except that other than giving me a note with a lonely phone number I'm not getting any help from either the girl's parents or grandparents (in fact, I have never met her parents, and I've been teaching her for a couple of months now). I called the number they'd given me, but it turned out - unsurprisingly - that I needed such information as what school she is currently attending, which year she's in, etc. In fact, I do not even know which school she wants to transfer to, I had to call blindly. Additionally, she currently attends a type of school at which she'd need exceptionally good grades to transfer to the type of school she wants to go to (German school system, hell yeah). But without sufficient knowledge of the language she cannot participate or even write tests, so they're apparently thinking of keeping her back for a year.
So, I've been telling them for a week now to write me down information like the names of the schools.. That's easy, right? They found out about the other school
somehow, right?
Hey, maybe it's easy for other people to call blindly somewhere, without any information.. Maybe it's just me, but I can't believe it's so difficult to understand that I need some certain information in order to be able to explain the issue, or that I need that info
also for a different reason, that reason being severe social anxiety. Calling anywhere unknown stresses me out really badly, but no matter how many times I try to explain it, it never sticks.
And all of that while I am expected to find a place to stay, a way to finance that, to also find work, to work at my mom's shop for free for her gracefully letting me stay here for a bit more until I find another place, and some other stuff?
And also, after completely ignoring me for six months, the social assistance office finally had the grace to send a letter.. At least they're going to help me with living costs somewhat. I'd be happy if it wasn't for my mother looking for ways to scam them or trying to plan what money I received away for nonsense like a driver's license. That's pretty much the last thing I need or want right now.
So tired of it all
Sorry to take up so much space in the thread again.
@Maark: Sorry to hear about your cat, losing pets can be hard
This post has been edited by Puckstein: 12 November 2015 - 05:53 PM