Phone: *ring* *ring*
Puck: Yeah?
Mom: Where are you?!
Puck: At home, looking for work.
Mom: Why are you not here? There's stuff that needs to be done by tomorrow morning!
Puck: ..because you said it has to be done on Saturday.
Mom: Yes, but early Saturday. By 8am.
Puck: That's something you never mentioned.
Mom: I can't be expected to remember to tell you. (no, really, she said that, seriously)
Puck: If you don't tell me something's different than usual, I cannot know that it is.
Mom: Well, no need to sulk about it. Are you coming over or not?
..that's AFTER we've had the 'Please stop planning my time away as you please, because as you keep pointing out I am old enough to work and organize my own life'-talk for the upteenth time. It reminds me of the time when she threw me out of the house and I was staying with friends who lived an hour and a half by train away for two months, yet she
still expected me to jump and come over whenever she had something she though I should do.
We also had the same talk the other day, when she fully espected me to come over and help at her workplace, but only told me an hour before the fact, and was awfully indignant when I told her I had an appointment to get an anti-allergy shot and would not be allowed to work for most of that day, as I might just up and faint. Naturally, it is my fault she cannot keep her work straight.
It'd be funny if this hadn't been going on for the past ten years. She keeps yelling at me to get a life and a job, then obstructing my attempts at self-employment (because paying legal taxes is the devil), but can't manage the work she takes on without so much as remembering to
tell me early enough.
But I bet that since she's not going to get any propr dinner served tonight (since I'm heading over to waste hours on things I've told her many times I don't want to do), she's going to be cranky as hell.
Edit: Guess whaaat? I go over to her workplace and she's like 'You're too late, I'm going to head home now.'
This post has been edited by Puckstein: 06 November 2015 - 06:19 PM