Posted 13 January 2017 - 03:27 PM
INCORPORATED - Just marathoned up to this week's ep. This is far far better than i was expecting. As an sf show there is nothing remotely original going on here - we've seen it all before in Gattica, Total Recall, Market Forces, etc etc... yet the characters are well done and the actual story is well constructed and paced. I can't say the cast is brilliant but they're trying hard and Dennis Haybert is always fun to watch... the man chews scenery SO subtly. Every ep moves, nothing feels like filler, the future doesn't look like Vancouver all the time. I was neutral on the Damon/Affleck element, but if this is the sort of thing they produce i'm all for them doing more tv.
THE FALL S3 - i really enjoyed Ss 1 and 2, but three eps in and thus far this is boring as fuck. I see what the plan was here, dealing with the repercussions of S2 and constructing a prosecution, but it's failing to hold my interest. Shifting the focus away from 'catch the killer' to all the surrounding plotlines from S2 (the political stuff, who is fucking who, the teen obsession thing, the killer's family) isn't working for me.
LONGMIRE S3 - Four eps in... I am never going to call this show brilliant, but it holds my attention. The setting and characters make a by-the-numbers police procedural into something way more interesting and this looks like the strongest season yet with the ongoing plot re Walt's wife, Henry, etc taking as much time as the crime-of-the-week.. way more interesting than the election.
ARROW/FLASH/LEGENDS/SUPERGIRL - all caught up to the crossover and about to start. Watched the SUPERGIRL ep which basically reinforced my reasons for not watching that show otherwise. ARROW has been fun so far, i like the new cast and the action has upped a notch. FLASH has been ok - the waaah everything is Barry's time travelling fault thing is getting old. LEGENDS is pure tv candy fun - I want Mick to punch out historical figures at least twice an ep.
AGENTS OF SHIELD - I'm out. I tried, i really tried, i know people loved the Ghost Rider arc, but despite a homicidal flaming spirit of vengeance i found it predictable (the big bad was obvious, his master plan was one mustache twirl short of silly), uninteresting (really, we have to do the nobody trusts anybody thing again again AGAIN?), repetitous (ok Daisy we get it, shut up now please just shut up, you used to be interesting and now you're a one note character), and loaded with filler. The new LMD arc is going nowhere i feel like sticking around for... in striking contrast to INCORPORATED there is nothing new here and they aren't making it interesting enough to stick around for.